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Lyme Disease

A tick bite can cause this, and often goes undiagnosed.

Often there's no rash.
Often the blood tests are wrong.
Often the diagnosis is wrong.

My infection occurred in 1972
(There was no Name, Treatment,
or help of any kind then. . .The Medical Establishment was totally useless to me most of my life!!)

It was only officially diagnosed in 2000.
By then I had extreme physical issues, mainly:

Diminished Cognitive Abilities
Nerve Damage
At times I have been bed-ridden and extremely depressed.

Lately, I have made amazing progress back to well-being, the ultimate treatment, IMHO, now is clearly MMS.





» Simple Protocol »
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"MMS1" . . . Sodium Chlorite

#1 Best Lyme Disease Treatment ...(IMHO)
No Prescription needed. . .
Very Inexpensive, & not very unpleasant,
& miraculously effective!!! . . . Start off gently: 1 drop per day.
Increase to 4 drops per day, maybe 6 - 10 times per day. Maybe use MMS2 every other time... See In A Nutshell »
Protocols are still being developed specifically for Lyme.
(It appears now the AIDS Protocol is very effective for Lyme.)
Early on there was advice for Lyme, to take MSM 2000mg about 10 min. ahead, and to take CoQ10 about 12 hours later, for protection for the heart muscle. Not sure if that's still important.
Also to take maybe 3 days off per week. There's all sorts of advice out there. . .

Supposedly (and I do believe it) MMS 1&2 will wipe out all pathogens residing in the body without harming healthy tissues!!! Their claims and experiences even include: AIDS, Malaria & Cancer... Of course there are a growing group of nay-sayers & now the FDA is starting to issue warnings...this may lead to difficulty in obtaining the chemicals in the near future. there are many online places to get large quantities and stock up. Already Canada and Australia have banned the use of MMS.

MMS2» Calcium Hypochlorite . . . Ca(ClO)2 Read detailed info here »
hypochlorous acid, a powerful immune system chemical that can be easily boosted by this protocol.

There's lots of info on line, just Google:
"Miracle Mineral Supplement"
MMS, MMS Lyme, MMS1, MMS2, Sodium Chlorite, etc
Jim Humble is the developer of the protocol for these substances and has written volumes on the subject. The FDA is starting to crack down so Sodium Chlorite may become the only refrence, and just for "water purification".

Jim Humble's main site »

There's specific subjects discussed at this sites »

Some independent forums can be found here »

Selected writings and links on the subject are at the bottom of this page, (to be preserved in case they are taken off line)

* Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or condition. All information provided on this page is for Educational and Informational purposes only and represents only the experiences, discoveries and knowledge encountered to date by the author of this page. It is not intended to substitute for medical advice. No warranties are provided or suggested either explicitly or implicitly as to the validity of any information herein. Always seek the advice of your physician before making any treatment decisions. The Author of this page is not responsible for any third-party information referred to from this page. The Author does not take responsibility for the accuracy of any information on this page, and suggests that you do your own research and consult your doctor. The Author is not responsible for any issues that you may encounter with the purchase of and use of any products or services found through sites which may be linked to this page.

(2009 Newly Developed 3 Week Protocol In A Nutshell):

First Ramp up to 4 drops of MMS 1
On each hour (for 8-12 hrs per day):

A) Hours 1,3,5,7,etc »» 4 drops MMS 1

B) Hours 2,4,6,8, etc »» 1 cap of MMS 2

See details below:

AIDS Protocol: MMS 1 & 2 by Jim Humble: (for most serious diseases: i.e. Cancer, Hep, Lyme, etc):
the protocol for HIV has been: THREE activated drops of MMS1 each hour (with 5 oz. water ) for at least 8 hours during the day, plus ONE size zero capsule of MMS2 taken every two hours for eight hours per day - all done continuously for three weeks... IMPORTANT: first drink 16 oz. of water with the MMS2 capsule and then always 8 oz. water thereafter with each capsule. [ then we submit blood to the testing lab.] From This Article»

Alkalizing the Body is very important for health. pH paper that shows ranges from 5 to 8 is helpful to tracking progress. Reaching 7.5 is optimal, as that's where the blood must be, and acid foods/lifestyle/stress will lower the tissues pH to 6.5 or less which requires the bones to be robbed of calcium in order to keep the blood at the right level. This leads to bone loss, and lots of other health problems. MMS1 can be used... 3 drops/liter makes water a pH level of 8.

Foods are very important:
A Chart is here »

Helpful Info:


MMS1 and MMS2 Vs. Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide

by Jim Humble, Sept 26, 2009

These four chemicals are all oxidizers. MMS1, MMS2, Ozone, and Hydrogen Peroxide. They all kill pathogens by oxidation.

Ozone and hydrogen peroxide have been used for years in the human body to kill many diseases. They even oxidize heavy metals to some extent. Many lives have been saved and much suffering has been overcome using these two oxidizers mostly by intravenous injection.

Ozone is the most powerful oxidizer known and Hydrogen Peroxide is a close second. In the healing field they both have been very useful as they both can kill any known pathogen. The problem lies in that these two oxidizers are so strong that they not only kill the germs, but they can damage many other things. Of course, the amount of damage is often determined by the amount of chemical in solution. But it doesn’t matter how weak the ozone or hydrogen peroxide is, it can still oxidize things in your body that you may not want to oxidize - not even in small amounts.

So that is the major disadvantage of these chemicals, and it's the reason people buy antioxidant pills and capsules. You don't want free oxygen adrift in muscles and flesh. The only safe oxygen is carried in red blood cells. Otherwise free oxygen can damage things you don't want to damage even though a doctor might use oxygen therapies to remove bad things.

When oxygen is used in the human body it can damage good body cells as well as kill pathogens that are present. In addition, oxygen and ozone are so powerful that they get used up quickly. And being used up quickly, they cannot penetrate deeply into tissues where many pathogens hide. They never get to important places because they are used up before they reach the pathogens that one is attempting to kill. So, before oxygen ever penetrates to reach bad things, it gets used up killing good things along the way.

This is not to say that they haven’t been useful in treating some diseases that nothing else can destroy, but they do cause a certain amount of damage on the way. There are many diseases that simply hide deep enough in the tissues that they cannot be reached with these oxidizers. One example would be HIV and AIDS. These oxidizers simply cannot kill HIV or AIDS as they cannot penetrate deep enough into the tissues of the body to reach the hiding places of these diseases. However, there have been some instances where enough disease germs were killed that the victim had a few months to a few years of breathing room before the disease again took over.

Hydrogen Peroxide was once sold from the shelves of almost all health food stores in America, but it was then found out that it was creating a number of health problems when it was used. It not only killed pathogens, but it killed many beneficial bacteria as well. The ones that it killed left special room for pathogens to grow or re-grow.

I personally used Hydrogen Peroxide for brushing my teeth - as the label says you can do. Did it every day, but I developed a terrible taste in my mouth that also smelled pretty bad. I finally stopped using Hydrogen Peroxide and the health of my mouth returned and some health food stores stopped offering it for sale as it became evident that it was doing more harm than good. As time passed a few health food stores began to offer it for sale again, but they risk being sued as the data concerning the problems of Hydrogen Peroxide are known and are visible on the Internet.

There are now quite a number of proponents of Ozone and many of Hydrogen Peroxide as well. They continue to push these two oxidizers as being the best thing possible or the only thing possible to cure a number of diseases. Now they are not the only thing possible anymore, as now MMS1 and MMS2 are in use by over a million people each day. With Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide generally requiring the use of intravenous injection is not a simple matter to most of the world. It takes special equipment and special knowledge and the fact is the general public is never going to be able to self administer intravenous injection. In addition to that, one still has all those problems that I mentioned above.

Enter MMS1 and MMS2.

MMS1 generates chlorine dioxide, a very special oxidizer that is not powerful at all. It is a weak oxidizer, but powerful in a different way. It doesn’t have the oxidization potential required to oxidize most materials. Just about the only living things that it can oxidize are pathogens. There are also many non living things that it can oxidize, but not normal living cells. When I say it is powerful in a different way, the fact is that it has a much greater capacity than Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide for pathogens while at the same time not being able to oxidize hundreds of things that these other oxidizers can oxidize.

MMS1 penetrates deeply into the tissues of the body while not being used up on the way to the target. It simply cannot oxidize any of the healthy living cells of the human body. MMS1 (chlorine dioxide) is one of the two important chemicals that the human immune system generates naturally to kill disease pathogens and other items in the body that need to be destroyed. MMS2 is the other important chemical that the immune system generates. Isn’t it funny that the two miracle minerals that are hundreds of times more effective than any drug are actually chemicals that the human body has been using for hundreds of thousands of years?

But I think the thing that is the most hard to understand is that modern medicine never discovered this in their billions of dollars of research. In addition, hundreds of thousands of people have already proven that MMS1 and MMS2 can be effectively self administered. This allows for MMS1 and MMS2 to be used throughout the world in thousands of places where it would be impossible to use Ozone.

MMS2 is a special weak acid that the human immune system generates naturally to kill hundreds of different pathogens and other things in the body that need killing. The name of this acid is hypochlorous acid and it is a natural acid made in small quantities within the body. Although it is available naturally, evidently the body cannot generate enough of it to handle powerful diseases under certain conditions. When MMS2 is taken it immediately turns to hypochlorous acid and in most cases the disease is killed in just a few hours or several days.

This acid releases nascent oxygen when the special proteins of pathogens are present including viruses and most other microorganisms. This acid works using a special mechanism that neither ozone nor hydrogen peroxide can match. The acid itself is not an oxidizer, but it is considered an oxidizer because it releases nascent oxygen in the presence of some proteins. Thus hypochlorous acid can penetrate deeply into the tissues before it encounters the proteins of the pathogens and then releases the powerful nascent oxygen. The body chose well when it began to use hypochlorous acid as no pathogen has ever developed a resistance to it in a hundred thousand years.

The various diseases can hide deep in the tissues of the body, but the hypochlorous acid is a liquid that slowly penetrates deeper and deeper into the tissues until it is flowing as deeply as the disease pathogens. As a molecule of hypochlorous acid recognizes the protein in a pathogen molecule it instantly releases its oxygen molecule and it changes to an ion of table salt and a hydrogen ion that becomes part of the water. No new compounds are created and nothing is left behind but a molecule of salt. There is nothing to create side effects.

Of course, the nascent oxygen destroys the pathogen and becomes discharged oxygen that becomes carbon dioxide to be breathed out on the next breath outwards.

So you see, MMS1 and MMS2 are miracle minerals that are far beyond ozone and hydrogen peroxide and any other known oxidizers. Both of these chemicals have saved thousands of lives and the two working together will probably cure any disease known. At least they will kill any disease that is caused by pathogens and I do not know of a disease that is not caused by pathogens one way or the other. MMS1 and MMS2 will kill many diseases that ozone and hydrogen peroxide cannot touch and they will kill every disease that these oxidizers are now being used to kill.

Ozone and hydrogen peroxide should be retired as they are no longer required. Sorry, but I have treated more than 5,000 people and some of these were being treated with ozone or hydrogen peroxide at the time. I always suggested that they stop the ozone or hydrogen peroxide treatments and use MMS - which always worked quickly. Both MMS1 and MMS2 are many times more effective and much faster. MMS1 and MMS2 chemistry theory is much better, it is much easier to use, and thousands of lives now prove the point.

Please check the actual facts before you continue with ozone or hydrogen peroxide. Normally, intravenous MMS treatment is not required, but it can be used in special cases. Normally just drinking a few doses will cure most minor things. And the HIV protocol will cure most any incurable disease. That is simply giving a victim of most disease 3 drops of activated MMS1 each hour for 8 to 10 hours a day for 3 weeks. Many patients can treat themselves but some require special treatment.

When something is really bad, like the patient is about to die of cancer then add MMS2 every 2 hours . I have personally seen a number of cases just come right out of different incurable diseases and go back to work. That is, they went from about to die, to back to work in two or three weeks.

See various MMS protocols at my site

Extensive MMS information has been collected at

Jim Humble writing from Africa, September, 2009 (with some editing by CH)


The Fundamentals for using MMS1 are These:

Fundamental One:
Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses. It has been demonstrated more than 1000 times that small doses administered often, up to once each hour, are more effective than large doses administered once or twice a day.

We now know that the chlorine dioxide chemical generated by MMS does not remain in the body more than one or two hours at most. The size of the dose does not seem to make a great deal of difference to the amount of time that MMS remains active in the body. That basically is because it doesn't matter if it is a large amount or small amount it still deteriorates into mostly just table salt in an hour or two.

So in reading the various methods of using MMS elsewhere on this web site, keep in mind - it is going to be much more effective to take MMS either each hour, or each two hours, and with smaller doses that will be equal to - or maybe larger than - one large dose.

If you are in the habit of taking larger MMS doses only in the morning and evening as was suggested in the past, MMS will still cleanse the body of microbes and pathogens. However, new research clearly reveals that a smaller-but-continuous circulation of ClO2 prevents regrouping and reproduction of pathogens, especially in situations where you are fighting a specific health issue - whether a cold or herpes or hepatitis.

Fundamental Two - Ramping Up Dosage:
Put as much MMS into the body as you can without causing an increase in sickness, nausea, or diarrhea. Always start out with a one drop dose at first and increase the drops every time you feel you can. That means, of course, that you activate each MMS drop with 5 drops of citric acid or vinegar and wait the 3 minutes and add juice or water as always.

So, on the second dose you could increase to two drops if the first drop didn't seem to increase sickness (in most cases it won't). Generally, that would be in two hours after taking the first dose. Then keep increasing each one or two hours until you feel that you have reached maximum or until you notice a slight nausea. Generally two or three or four drops each time is all that is needed.

However, you could increase the drops up to 10 drops per hour if there is no increase in nausea and if you feel that more is needed. I would put a limit on 10 drop doses and normally you would never need to go to 10 drops doses if you are doing 5 to 10 doses a day.

You stop when you are well. Or if you are just trying to clean yourself out then you could try the 15 drops dose three times a day as that has always been the standard. If you can take 15 drops three times a day for a week without nausea or diarrhea or other negative effects, then most likely the majority of the infections and pathogens and parasites are gone.

After you are cleaned out a maintenance dose is still the same as always, 6 drops a day of MMS along with the citric or other acids required for activation. That's for older people and 6 drops twice a week for younger people, (older people being over 60.)

Fundamental Three - Adjusting Dosage:
Decrease the number of drops as needed if diarrhea or nausea occur, but do not stop taking MMS. Nausea and diarrhea are both good indicator signs that MMS is working. Diarrhea lasting for an hour or two is very good, but to keep it up for days at a time can cause more harm than good. So always decrease the drops when these temporary barriers arise - they are temporary in most cases.

Fundamental Four:
Avoid all forms of Vitamin C for two hours before and after use of MMS. This is a temporary requirement, necessary during the significant weeks of your ramping up to the level of drops where you can be considered to be "Cleaned Out." If you are taking Vitamin C capsules marked as "12 hour" type, you will have to discontinue their use and only take capsules or tablets that do not indicate a timed action and take them only at night after MMS hours. See more information at

Fundamental Five:
Thoughtfully maintain a nutrition program adequate to maintain your immune system. MMS takes unwanted pathogens and parasites out of your body with great efficiency but it provides no nutritional minerals or vitamins. Maintain intake of friendly micro-organisms (acidophilus, and other flora). MMS itself does not kill intestinal friendly micro-organisms but forceful diarrhea can sometimes reduce their numbers. Similarly, maintain intake of minerals - especially calcium and magnesium.

Nutritional intake is critical to the immune system. Daily sunshine on the skin will maintain your vitamin D or, if you rarely see the sun, you must maintain "D" with supplements - - essential for maintaining the immune system. While MMS is the most potent germicidal agent on the planet, only the immune system produces healing and maintenance of health. Read my books on this topic, available at

The five fundamentals above are basic to all the various methods and protocols that are explained on this Web Site. Be sure to click through to the various specific protocols that are highlighted below.

Six proven ways to move MMS into your body.

1. Drink it. Swallow activated MMS with any amount of water or juice flavoring added. This is the most common method. Adding water or limited juice to the mix after the three minute wait enables you to drink the mixture. The amount of water matters very little provided that you drink it all - typically one half to a full glass of water. If you drink the entire amount you will get all of the MMS benefit. Diluted little or much it will still do the same cleansing within in your body.

After the three minute wait, when you add water or juice, no more chlorine dioxide is generated. It is locked into the water or juice. After drinking the mix with the water added, the ClO2 gas will circulate in the body for less than two hours as described above. Insignificant amounts of ClO2 are generated after the water is added, but not enough to consider.

You could repeat any MMS dose every two hours (or less) without harm provided you observe the temporary barriers created by diarrhea or nausea. Important additional information is here: .

2. You can spray activated MMS on skin anywhere. It is effective against localized skin sores or diseases. The mixture must have a small amount of water added to make the liquid ready for spraying. It does not bleach hair and does not harm the skin. If you have open sores or cuts, it may cause sensations of burning but it promotes rapid germ-free closure of wounds. See .

3. MMS retention enemas are effective in cleansing intestinal walls. They also cause the ClO2 to be absorbed and mixed with the plasma of the blood - the blood liquid. MMS benefits are more available to more parts of the body more quickly when the ClO2 is carried in the plasma. Further information is here: .

4. Hot tub baths with activated MMS in the water expose the entire skin surface to ClO2 ions. Add hot water continually while sitting in the tub. Skin pores open and the ClO2 ions pass deep below the skin and into muscles. Since blood is always present in muscles, the ClO2 ions merge into the plasma of the blood providing greater concentration of detoxifying action against parasites, yeast, fungus and other pathogens. Further information is here: .

5. Some people briefly breath the ClO2 gas into the nose, head, and sinuses. DO NOT DEEPLY BREATH the ClO2 gas into the lungs because of unexpected depletion of oxygen.

Sitting with your mouth or nose over a cup of activated 2 drop mixture (definitely no more than 4 drops), and with no water added, draw the odorous ClO2 gas into the nostrils or mouth. Approach this with caution. If it seems too strong move the cup further away or prepare a weaker mixture. This has proven effective in killing germs in the sinuses that are often the cause of post-nasal drip. One or two brief nasal breathing session have been reported to eliminate post-nasal drip after all other medicines had failed to stop it.

Caution: If you have any history of asthma, use low doses and stop immediately if you have any sensation of an asthma attack. Never exceed the 4 drop maximum. This method is effective in situations where sinuses, vocal cords, or ear infections are retaining germs or pathogens.

Remember, it is the ClO2 Ion - the gas that you can smell - that is the germicidal agent. Use a 2 to 4 drop dose activated with 5 drops of citric acid or vinegar for each drop of MMS that you use. There's no need to add water since you won't be drinking it. Germs live and thrive in MUCUS and PHLEHM. The odor of ClO2 can kill them and prevent further production of mucus.

NOTE: Some people report "catching a cold" when using this method. Yes, there can be dried mucus plugs in your lungs from a cold you had a year ago. a few of those germs are sometimes encapsulated in the dried mucus. The ClO2 gas weakens the mucus and the former cold attempts to redevelop - symptoms appear. In this case, continue with internal 2 drop doses of activated MMS every hour (drink it), and continue deep breathing every half hour from the cup (Observe the limits and cautions above). The cold will soon vanish.

CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED the 4 drop maximum mixture and take periodic breaks often by breathing normal air to assure replenishment of oxygen to the lungs. You can always mix a second dose later if you want more time span. Bird cages and free-flying house birds should be kept in another room because of their sensitivity to various gases. HEED THESE CAUTIONS. You are responsible for using this strategy responsibly so avoid prolonged deep breathing of the ClO2 gas, always separated with deep breathing of normal air.

6. DMSO can sometimes be added to the MMS activated mix in special or life-threatening situations. Special DMSO instructions are provided under the topic "Life Threatening Diseases" at this address: . Always test yourself first with a small DMSO spot on your arm. People who have a damaged or weakened liver should reduce the use of DMSO if any aching or pain is felt in the liver area. Put 5 drops of DMSO on your arm and rub it in. Wait for several hours. If there is no liver pain, you are probably safe in using DMSO.

One tablespoon of DMSO with two or more tablespoons of water can be taken internally by drinking it once or twice a day while fighting a severe disease. Normally use juice and dilute the DMSO much more. A 50-50 dilution will burn most people's throat. It's best to dilute DMSO with at least 2 parts water or juice to 1 part DMSO. Important additional DMSO information is in two articles at .

Caution One: DO NOT ATTEMPT any experimental intravenous injections in your home. There are health clinics that can administer such therapies. Seek qualified professionals who can take responsibility for proper dosage, administration, and predictable outcomes from any IV process. Health clinics may charge up to $100 per intravenous treatment. Intravenous provides about the same benefits as methods 4 and 5 above, but at a high cost.

Caution Two: If you choose to put activated MMS into a dehumidifier or room fogger, keep the MMS mixture at no more than 10 activated drops per gallon of water. (Must be activated in a cup with the three minute wait before dropping it into the water tank.) People have written asking about this. They want to use the humidifier because ClO2 is a powerful deodorizer and air purifier. Remove canaries and parrots from the room.

It is best not to sleep in the room where the humidifier is fogging the room with ClO2 in the mix. Your lungs pick up the ClO2 gas (which is beneficial) just as readily as they pick up oxygen. While the ClO2 is received willingly by your lungs and red blood cells, you could unknowingly reduce oxygen intake and suffer harm. Remember this also if children are playing or sleeping in the same room. A limited amount of ClO2 in the air would be helpful for children and adults, but only if alert people are present and are knowledgeable about the nature of ClO2 as a germicidal agent.

It is equally effective to rid a closet or room of mold, odors, or germs if you set a 10 drop mix of activated MMS on a saucer in the middle of a closed room and let the ClO2 gas arise out of the liquid naturally. Do not add any water in this case. Do not exceed the 10 drop suggestion. It's more effective and safer to do several repeated room cleansings every hour than to release too much ClO2 at one time into a closed room. The odor does not linger and will not harm cushions, curtains, or lampshades. After 2 hours, the odor will have sacrificed itself and any room odors will be gone. If the normal small from shoes and clothes in a closet are still present, then a second ClO2 saucer or cup should be repeated.

ClO2 gas is a powerful deodorizer and germicidal agent. Drifting through the air, it will eventually kill all germs in the air and in furniture fabrics. After about two hours, the ClO2 gas disappears. It deteriorates into two molecules of water vapor. Activated MMS can restore lawn chairs thought to be ruined by skunk spray. Scrub the MMS mixture into car carpets, smelly shoes, and under arms. Will the whole house start to smell like a motel swimming pool? No. Not possible.

When using MMS as a room deodorizer or fungus eliminator, close the room doors and remove all pets and birds from the room for one or two hours.

Caution Three: Regarding Citric Acid: It is unusual to experience any nausea when starting MMS with a one drop dose. if you experience nausea after taking the first one-drop dose of MMS, it's rare, but you may be allergic to citric acid at the 10% solution strength. To quickly stop the nausea, wait ten minutes, then counter it with a teaspoon of baking soda in water if the nausea persists. Also eat an apple if you can keep it down. Wait overnight, then try a one-drop dose again, but use unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as the acid instead of citric acid.

It is very rare, but a few people are allergic to 10% citric acid in water, even though they may easily tolerate weak forms of it as in lemonade. The solution is to adopt unfiltered vinegar as the acid of choice because it is non-allergenic. Therefore try MMS again using unfiltered unpasteurized vinegar as the activating acid and slowly ramp upward in the number of drops as is described in the normal process at .


Introducing Miracle Mineral Solution Two

by Jim Humble, August 15, 2009

A new Miracle Mineral is being introduced here. It should have all the fanfare of one of the most important medicines that has ever been introduced to mankind. Unfortunately we inventors, as opposed to multibillion dollar research organizations, never have the money for fanfare. We're lucky to scrape together 50 cents to buy an envelope to mail the concept back to ourselves for a cheap inventor's patent protection. So here it is - the announcement of a new miracle mineral - but without much fanfare.

Hypochlorous acid is an acid that the human immune system uses to kill pathogens of all kinds throughout the body, and many other things that sometimes need to be destroyed. For example when killer cells get old and worn out they turn against the body; the immune system recognizes the problem and proceeds to destroy the worn-out cells with hypochlorous acid.

This acid is probably the most important acid the body makes to maintain health. I think that qualifies it to be considered natural. It is a naturally produced acid because the body’s immune system makes it. It’s not manufactured in a chemical plant somewhere. The fact is, hypochlorous acid will kill most pathogens in the body - even the powerful malaria parasite if enough of the acid is present.

However, for whatever reason, Mother Nature did not provide the human body with the means to generate enough hypochlorous acid to kill all the diseases that might enter the body. Maybe making the acid is just too complex to generate large quantities of it that are now required to destroy the powerful "incurable" diseases that have come to be on this planet. In a more perfect world not much of the acid would be needed.

Suppose you were a medical researcher 80 years ago and you were interested in overcoming diseases in the human body, and you were aware of this data - that hypochlorous acid kills disease pathogens. Well, the fact is, this data was known 80 years ago. Don’t you think you would have spent a little bit of time on the idea of how to supply the body with a little more hypochlorous acid? The body has been using hypochlorous acid to kill disease germs for a million years.

Isn’t that a logical idea - that a medical researcher attempting to find cures for diseases, would at least try giving the body a little bit more hypochlorous acid when germs or disease threaten? Well I think it's logical and if medical researchers were attempting to find "cures" for people instead of making costly drugs that keep people back, they would have found this hypochlorous acid miracle cure and many other such cures - long ago.

So any way, the goal here is to describe Miracle Mineral Number Two. It is so far beyond any known medical drug that there is simply no comparison. You can’t compare it with medical drugs as they are not intended to overcome or cure diseases. This MMS2 kills pathogens and actually aids healing. So what is it? As far as an antibiotic is concerned, it kills pathogens instantly by blowing a hole in the skin. It’s not like medical antibiotics which can take from hours to weeks to penetrate the skin of a pathogen, slowly destroying the nucleus or something in the nucleus - if the pathogen hasn't developed resistance. But with MMS2, pathogens that cause diseases of all kinds cannot develop a resistance to hypochlorous acid. The body chose well when it developed the ability to generate hypochlorous acid. Down through the centuries no pathogen has ever developed a resistance to it.

And maybe, just maybe Mother Nature chose well when she made the various deadly diseases, because even though some of them are anaerobic and some are aerobic, none of them are resistant to MMS1 or MMS2 or the combination of 1 and 2. Isn’t that kind of strange? Of course we don’t have the money for research in this area, but many thousands of people have called me or emailed me representing hundreds of different diseases that have been handled with both of these Miracle Minerals.

So what is it that turns into hypochlorous acid that your body can use? Well, there happens to be a very cheap simple chemical that actually turns into this acid. Your body then can take that acid and use it throughout the body. I’ve been using it for 4 years personally. My clinic and group of people in Mexico have been using it for more than a year with many people. I was at first sending it out to people mostly with prostate cancer, but we then started using it on many things including HIV.

What we found out recently is that MMS (now called MMS1) when given to HIV people generally cures all of their health problems associated with the HIV, but it does not cure the HIV in some cases. It is more valuable than the HIV drugs for treating HIV, but it doesn’t kill the HIV virus always, just sometimes.

So enter MMS2. When taken with MMS1, the two together have produced negative blood test readings (basically that means cured) in quite a few HIV cases so far. In fact, all of the cases receiving both MMS1 and 2 have checked negative (free from HIV). We don't have thousands of cases so far and we will produce the necessary case studies when the Foundation and Institute for Advanced MMS Studies is funded. But just to give you an idea, the protocol for HIV has been: three activated drops of MMS1 each hour for at least 8 hours during the day, plus one size zero capsule of MMS2 taken every two hours for eight hours per day - all done continuously for three weeks, then we submit blood to the testing lab. Oh yes, at first drink 2 glasses of water with the MMS2 capsule and then always one full glass of water thereafter with each capsule.

Never make yourself sick, always reduce your intake of both MMS1 and 2 if you notice it is making you more sick than you already are. We have also had some fantastic results with cancers using MMS2. Also for the new flu now going around, use this same protocol for this flu, but not for three weeks, do it until well. Some people will be well in 8 hours and some will take a week or two. Be especially careful to reduce all the way to zero if it seems that the MMS is making you feel worse. But start again very soon.

If you feel worse, that's caused by killing the disease so rapidly that it generates too much poison too fast. Go slower. If you don’t have MMS1 still use MMS2. I have seen enough people cured of enough diseases to believe that if you only have MMS2 it will do the job. Use it in a capsule once an hour. Increase the amount if you can, decrease if you feel worse. You can use it with any medication. The medication does not hurt MMS2 and MMS2 doesn't harm the medication.

Do you see? We should now have such a fantastic medical system that there would at this time be no such thing as disease and very little bad health if our medical system had been controlled by ethical people trying to cure diseases rather than make money.

MMS1 and MMS2 is just a drop in the bucket. Although I believe that MMS1 coupled with MMS2 will cure most of the diseases of mankind, I believe that hundreds of miracle minerals will come that will change the understanding of medicine. In the future no drug will ever be made from poisonous substances that all medical drugs are made from now. MMS1 and MMS2 are not poisonous to the body and they do no damage in the body.

OK, so what is MMS2? What chemical turns to hypochlorous acid in the body? Hold on to your hat. It’s a special type of swimming ----- pool ----- chlorine. Well, that's what everybody calls it - swimming pool chlorine. BUT it is really not chlorine. It's a special agent that is used to "shock" the pool, called CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE.

People are used to being told that you shock a pool with chlorine, but that's not really the scientific facts. It's easy to explain this way. The scientific facts are that no free chlorine is added to the pool. The pool is in fact shocked with hypochlorous acid. A pouch of 78% calcium hypochlorite (about one pound) costs less than $5 dollars in the US. You can buy it at any swimming pool supply store, but not just any pool chlorine. It has to be calcium hypochlorite.

That’s right, when it is put into pool water it instantly changes into hypochlorous acid. It’s not the same as chlorine in water. Not at all. Other chemicals change into chlorine, but not calcium hypochlorite. It changes into HOCl (that’s the chemical formula for hypochlorous acid). It is a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine. Like table salt it also has chlorine in it, but it reacts far differently than chlorine. MMS1 and MMS2 are made from two of the cheapest mineral substances that we have. MMS1 will cure malaria, the worst disease of mankind, in about 10 hours and for less than 5 cents. MMS2 is similar in cost if not cheaper.

My friend Bill Boynton, who helped me with the chemistry of MMS1 also suggested pool chlorine to me back in 2003. I wondered why the pool chlorine might be beneficial. He and I were using it before we knew what it was. So a bit of simple research turned up the fact that it was hypochlorous acid. Doctors in medical school learn all about hypochlorous acid in their schooling because it is a critical component produced and used by the immune system.

So you see it wasn’t because I was all that smart; it was just that I was looking for opportunities without worrying if I was fitting into a medical groove or not.

Now, let’s look at how we used it. Keep in mind that anything I say here I do not suggest that you go and do. Anything that you do is strictly on your own. I cannot suggest medical things to you. This is simply what we did. Also the "we" that I talk about here is not the same as my friend Bill that I mention above. I do not mention names here to protect the innocent and to keep my friends out of harm’s way. Later when I write my book for posterity I will name all those who helped me and worked with me, however for now, I feel it is best that I don’t.

First, a friend in Canada mentioned in an email that he had a friend who had prostate cancer. I said why not try hypochlorite. He said he would ask his friend and to make a long story short I sent him an envelope of 50 size zero gel capsules stuffed with calcium hypochlorite from a local pool store. (The supply in pool stores is anywhere from 45% calcium hypochlorite to 85%. Most is around 75%. I have used it all from 45% to 55% to 65% to 75% to 80%.

There are always other chemicals in the mixture. The other chemicals are all designed for use in pools so they are not poisonous and most of them are used in foods or processing foods. You only take a tiny bit of the white powder in a size zero capsule and thus you never get more than the recommended daily dose of any of these chemicals. Anyway he took the 50 capsules at about 4 a day and called me up and said that he felt much better but did I have some more as he still wasn’t well. So I sent him 50 more and he finally got back to me saying his prostate cancer was all gone.

So Bill and I sent it out to various people with prostate problems and prostate cancer. When we got word back they all said they felt better or that the problem was completely gone. (These are the ones that got back to me, and only because I begged them. Mostly people don’t get back to us unless they still need more.) I found out that most people who are feeling good won’t go back to a doctor so too often I have to take their word that they are OK.

So there you have MMS2. It is effective for many things and very effective for healing wounds and other skin problems. It aids MMS1 to kill most all so called incurable diseases and it may be as good as MMS1. It kills the pathogens and germs on a wound without doing damage to the broken tissues. Just empty a zero size capsule in a quarter glass of water and use that on the wound. Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and all other disinfectants all do a certain amount of damage to the wound causing increased healing time to the damaged cells, but MMS2 kills the pathogens and does no damage and thus the healing is much faster. There is research about this wound healing factor on the Internet. You can look it up. I hesitate to say more because of copyrights.

I realize, of course, that much more research is needed and I should have done most of that research already, but as you know I have to plead lack of millions of dollars for that research until the Foundation is funded. [ Click Here to visit the Foundation Site ] . I decided that I must release the information as the urgency became greater and greater in my own mind. I can’t afford, Earth can’t afford for me to wait any longer. As it is I have waited 9 months longer than I should, than safety for the data would allow.

Yesterday if the bad guys had taken me to prison or "horizontalized" me, chances are this data would never be known to Earth's people. Now today as of this date this data is released on the Internet. The bad guys will never be able to totally suppress this information. It will always be somewhere and it will eventually become known. Shooting me won’t stop it. They might slow it down a lot, but never stop it.

And in keeping with my policy written in my MMS book at I cannot allow this data to be owned by any one individual or group. Like MMS1 it is too important for that. If owned by any one group there would always be those who are left out of the loop. Anyone or everyone can make up MMS2, use it, or sell it, or distribute it for free or whatever.

So this paper has the same copyright as my book exactly. Because of space I won’t quote it completely, but it makes this paper public domain in case of my death or incarceration.

MMS2 is in some ways like gravity. You know it works just by learning the information. Research is not needed to prove that. It’s like gravity and dropping an orange. You open your fingers and the orange drops towards the Earth. You don’t need research to prove it. You might drop an orange once or twice, but it’s obvious. Well MMS2 is the same way for many things.

Chemically it is obvious that hypochlorous acid can kill pathogens as that has already been proven. By the time you have finished studying the data it will be totally obvious what this acid can do. Many nay-sayers are going to find it a little bit more difficult to spread negative information about MMS2.

The negative blog writers, none of them, have any idea what they're chattering about with MMS1. MMS2 will be a lot more available to everyone who chooses to experiment with it, and believe it or not, it is already available in most countries of Africa, all cities of the US, Canada, Europe, and around the world. It is so available that it couldn’t possibly be suppressed throughout the world.
There's just one more point that I would like to make. I have been criticized quite often that I am not specific enough about my data, suggesting I should give details and furnish names and numbers and blood reports of those who have been cured. That would be nice if I could do that. But sorry, that isn’t possible. Do you see? I would be furnishing the evidence to put me in prison. Authorities in many countries would like to do that.

Wouldn’t it be nice for them if I would just say, here guys use this evidence to lock me up. Over the last 100 years more than 100 people have been put in prison and their books burned in the US alone, and some have been killed mysteriously - and many more than that throughout the world.

If you doubt this, just go to "FDA suppression" in Google. Several of my friends have spent time in prison in the US with their business, home, car, bank account, and property all confiscated and never returned in just the last few years. You think I am exaggerating? Well go on the Internet and look up the “Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 HR1658” and then follow to the records of how much Assets were confiscated during for example one year 2006. More than 6 billion dollars of property were confiscated and auctioned off. More than 3 billion dollars were put into the government coffers as a result of the auctions for that one year.

Just this week it was published that the Federal Drug Administration has the right and the power to state that Mercury is harmless and there should be no concern about taking it into your body through vaccinations. (Dr. Mercola [ Click Here to See it. ] ) The Federal authorities can come and take your property and savings - everything you own and at any time. They don’t have to have a reason and there is nothing you can do to get it back. So I have fair reason to be paranoid. Sorry, about the paranoia. I'm publishing this announcement from within other countries.

Good luck in using MMS2. Don't let the terrifying cautions on the pouch of Calcium Hypochlorite scare you away. I've tested it for years. If you voluntarily and privately prepare MMS2 as suggested here (in size zero capsules only), it's both safe and beneficial - a chemical produced and needed by your own body in limited quantities. Be sure to drink ample water if you experiment with this discovery. I take it myself quite often as a maintenance-preventative strategy.

This announcement is primarily to get the information on the record and out to thousands of people around the world. I can't suggest that you follow and do what I have done. It's the information that's valuable - a key to reducing and reversing illnesses. Thoughtful people will experiment and awaken to what is possible with this widely available Miracle Mineral Solution Number Two.

At age 76 I'm here in a country with impure water, malaria, sleeping sickness, TB, herpes, 40% population with HIV, and I'm in contact with every disease imaginable carried by strangers who knock on my door at night seeking help - and I remain disease free. I'm fully active as this is being written on August 15, 2009.

Jim Humble Somewhere in Africa

PS: The Mineral-Solutions company ships MMS1 and MMS2 to nearly all countries. They provide MMS2 capsules, 60 to a bottle - ready made - ready to use.
Click [ Here ] to purchase MMS2 capsules, shipping since Sept. 2009. This company ships anywhere in the world. Prices are on the web pages there.

2. "Subtle EnergyTherapy" is in Canada at 780 634-8950. They ship to the Americas primarily. Their web site for MMS1 and MMS2 is here: [ ] . The email there is



More Great LInks:


pH Booster drops:


Here's a Doctor talking about MMS:

Water can be alkalized with MMS1 as follows: In 1 liter of water, add 3 drops of MMS!

More Ranked Foods: Alkaline to Acidic (Or Good To Bad)

Highly Alkaline Forming Foods

Sea salt, mineral water, pumpkin seed, lentils, seaweed, onion, taro root, sea vegetables, lotus root, sweet potato, lime, lemons, nectarine, persimmon, raspberry, watermelon, tangerine, and pineapple.

Moderately Alkaline Forming Foods

Apricots, spices, kambucha, unsulfured molasses, soy sauce, cashews, chestnuts, pepper, kohlrabi, parsnip, garlic, asparagus, kale, parsley, endive, arugula, mustard green, ginger root, broccoli, grapefruit, cantaloupe, honeydew, citrus, olive, dewberry, carrots, loganberry, and mango.

Low Alkaline Forming Foods

Most herbs, green tea, mu tea, rice syrup, apple cider vinegar, sake, quail eggs, primrose oil, sesame seed, cod liver oil, almonds, sprouts, potato, bell pepper, mushrooms, cauliflower, cabbage, rutabaga, ginseng, eggplant, pumpkin, collard green, pear, avocado, apples (sour), blackberry, cherry, peach, and papaya.

Very Low Alkaline Forming Foods

Ginger tea, umeboshi vinegar, ghee, duck eggs, oats, grain coffee, quinoa, japonica rice, wild rice, avocado oil, most seeds, coconut oil, olive oil, flax oil, brussel sprout, beet, chive, cilantro, celery, okra, cucumber, turnip greens, squashes, lettuces, orange, banana, blueberry, raisin, currant, grape, and strawberry.

Very Low Acid Forming Foods

Curry, koma coffee, honey, maple syrup, vinegar, cream, butter, goat/sheep cheese, chicken, gelatin, organs, venison, fish, wild duck, triticale, millet, kasha, amaranth, brown rice, pumpkin seed oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, pine nuts, canola oil, spinach, fava beans, black-eyed peas, string beans, wax beans, zucchini, chutney, rhubarb, coconut, guava, dry fruit, figs, and dates.

Low Acid Forming Foods

Vanilla, alcohol, black tea, balsamic vinegar, cow milk, aged cheese, soy cheese, goat milk, game meat, lamb, mutton, boar, elk, shell fish, mollusks, goose, turkey, buckwheat, wheat, spelt, teff, kamut, farina, semolina, white rice, almond oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, tapioca, seitan, tofu, pinto beans, white beans, navy beans, red beans, aduki beans, lima beans, chard, plum, prune and tomatoes.

Moderately Acid Forming Foods

Nutmeg, coffee, casein, milk protein, cottage cheese, soy milk, pork, veal, bear, mussels, squid, chicken, maize, barley groats, corn, rye, oat bran, pistachio seeds, chestnut oil, lard, pecans, palm kernel oil, green peas, peanuts, snow peas, other legumes, garbanzo beans, cranberry, and pomegranate.

Highly Acid Forming Foods

Tabletop sweeteners like (NutraSweet, Spoonful, Sweet 'N Low, Equal or Aspartame), pudding, jam, jelly, table salt (NaCl), beer, yeast, hops, malt, sugar, cocoa, white (acetic acid) vinegar, processed cheese, ice cream, beef, lobster, pheasant, barley, cottonseed oil, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, fried foods, soybean, and soft drinks, especially the cola type. To neutralize a glass of cola with a pH of 2.5, it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water with a pH of 10.


  Alkaline:  Meditation, Prayer, Peace, Kindness & Love

  Acid:  Overwork, Anger, Fear, Jealousy & Stress

  Extremely Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 8.5 to 9.0

  Extremely Acid Forming Foods - pH 5.0 to 5.5

  9.0  Lemons 1, Watermelon 2

  8.5  Agar Agar 3, Cantaloupe, Cayenne (Capsicum) 4,
        Dried dates & figs, Kelp, Karengo, Kudzu root, Limes,
        Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley
5, Seedless grapes
        (sweet), Watercress, Seaweeds

        Asparagus 6, Endive, Kiwifruit, Fruit juices 7, Grapes
        (sweet), Passion fruit, Pears (sweet), Pineapple,
        Raisins, Umeboshi plum, Vegetable juices

  5.0  Artificial sweeteners

  5.5  Beef, Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks 38,
        Cigarettes (tailor made), Drugs, Flour (white, wheat)
39, Goat, Lamb, Pastries & cakes from white flour,
        Pork, Sugar (white)

        Beer 34, Brown sugar 35, Chicken, Deer, Chocolate,
36, Custard with white sugar, Jams, Jellies,
37, Pasta (white), Rabbit, Semolina, Table
        salt refined and iodized, Tea black, Turkey, Wheat
        bread, White rice, White vinegar (processed).

  Moderate Alkaline - pH 7.5 to 8.0

  Moderate Acid - pH 6.0 to 6.5

  8.0  Apples (sweet), Apricots, Alfalfa sprouts 9,
        Arrowroot, Flour
10, Avocados, Bananas (ripe),
        Berries, Carrots, Celery, Currants, Dates & figs
        (fresh), Garlic
11, Gooseberry, Grapes (less sweet),
        Grapefruit, Guavas, Herbs (leafy green), Lettuce
        (leafy green), Nectarine, Peaches (sweet), Pears
        (less sweet), Peas (fresh sweet), Persimmon,
        Pumpkin (sweet), Sea salt (vegetable)
12, Spinach

  7.5  Apples (sour), Bamboo shoots, Beans (fresh green),
        Beets, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Cabbage;Cauli, Carob
13, Daikon, Ginger (fresh), Grapes (sour), Kale,
        Kohlrabi, Lettuce (pale green), Oranges, Parsnip,
        Peaches (less sweet), Peas (less sweet), Potatoes
        & skin, Pumpkin (less sweet), Raspberry, Sapote,
        Strawberry, Squash
14, Sweet corn (fresh), Tamari
15, Turnip, Vinegar (apple cider) 16

  6.0  Cigarette tobacco (roll your own), Cream of Wheat
        (unrefined), Fish, Fruit juices with sugar, Maple
        syrup (processed), Molasses (sulphured), Pickles
        (commercial), Breads (refined) of corn, oats, rice &
        rye, Cereals (refined) eg weetbix, corn flakes,
        Shellfish, Wheat germ, Whole Wheat foods
33, Yogurt (sweetened)

  6.5  Bananas (green), Buckwheat, Cheeses (sharp),
        Corn & rice breads, Egg whole (cooked hard),
        Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Oats, Pasta (whole grain),
        Pastry (wholegrain & honey), Peanuts, Potatoes
        (with no skins), Popcorn (with salt & butter), Rice
        (basmati), Rice (brown), Soy sauce (commercial),
        Tapioca, Wheat bread (sprouted organic)

  Slightly Alkaline to Neutral pH 7.0

  Slightly Acid to Neutral pH 7.0

  7.0  Almonds 17, Artichokes (Jerusalem), Barley-Malt
        (sweetener-Bronner), Brown Rice Syrup, Brussel
        Sprouts, Cherries, Coconut (fresh), Cucumbers, Egg
        plant, Honey (raw), Leeks, Miso, Mushrooms, Okra,
        Olives ripe
18, Onions, Pickles 19, (home made),
        Radish, Sea salt
20, Spices 21, Taro, Tomatoes
        (sweet), Vinegar (sweet brown rice), Water Chestnut

        Amaranth, Artichoke (globe), Chestnuts (dry
        roasted), Egg yolks (soft cooked), Essene bread
        Goat's milk and whey (raw)
23, Horseradish,
        Mayonnaise (home made), Millet, Olive oil, Quinoa,
        Rhubarb, Sesame seeds (whole)
24, Soy beans
        (dry), Soy cheese, Soy milk, Sprouted grains
        Tempeh, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet), Yeast
        (nutritional flakes)


7.0 Barley malt syrup, Barley, Bran, Cashews, Cereals
(unrefined with honey-fruit-maple syrup), Cornmeal,
Cranberries 30, Fructose, Honey (pasteurized),
Lentils, Macadamias, Maple syrup (unprocessed),
Milk (homogenized) and most processed dairy
products, Molasses (unsulphered organic) 31,
Nutmeg, Mustard, Pistachios, Popcorn & butter
(plain), Rice or wheat crackers (unrefined), Rye
(grain), Rye bread (organic sprouted), Seeds
(pumpkin & sunflower), Walnuts

Blueberries, Brazil nuts, Butter (salted), Cheeses
(mild & crumbly) 28, Crackers (unrefined rye),
Dried beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney,
garbanzo) 29, Dry coconut, Egg whites, Goats
milk (homogenized), Olives (pickled), Pecans,
Plums 30, Prunes 30, Spelt

Arthritis Cookbook & Other Info:

From the MMS Newsletter: [A Little Over the Top, but it saved my life...]


We thought you might like to see the difference in a MMS doctor and a *Medical doctor.

Doctor of MMS

*Doctor of Medicine

Uses MMS, (Master Mineral Solution).

Mild side effects that can easily be stopped.

*Uses Pharmaceutical drugs.

*Many side effects, some causing DEATH

Not FDA approved: Average cost for approval is $800 million but would we want approval? Look at approved drugs.

*Approved by FDA: More than 970 thousand people die from FDA approved drugs each year.

Big Pharma not involved: Less than five healing substances including MMS needed to heal most known diseases.
Works for big Pharma: Hundreds of sales people from big Pharma visit the doctor each year pushing thousands of drugs.

Free Healing: Of all diseases including cancer. Donate only after your are well and only if you want.

Expensive beyond your means: Many people spend their life's saving and then sell their home in order to pay.

No vaccines assisted Health: Use MMS to maintain you health.

Vaccines assisted Suicide: Destroys your health and will reduce longevity.

Uses reason and logic: Uses testimonial results from thousands of cases.

Uses Merck Manual, (a Big Pharma). Ninety percent of all doctor prescriptions come directly from a manual.

Open minded, also uses herbs and plants: MMS cancer treatment has been improving for the past 14 years. 90% recovery rate.

Closed minded, Drugs and Surgery: Basically no change in cancer treatment for 100 years. 2.7% recovery.

Success in healing is greater than 90%:

Treats symptoms only, no healing: Drugs seldom seek to heal but rather to manage the disease.

Healing the world quickly:

Killing the world slowly.

Human testimonies of health: We have thousands of email testimonies of successful healings of what have been considered incurable diseases.

Health testimonies hard to find: We have been unable to locate any records of incurable diseases being healed by medical science although we have been assured that it does happen.

Patients living quality lives: Most diseases are healed and hundreds of thousands no longer suffer.

Doctors living Quality lives: Medical doctors receive thousands of dollars for their useless help and drugs and get to spend it for their quality lives.

Side effects stopped by reduction: Because MMS leaves no residue in the body it causes no side effects.

Side effects are often death: Listen to the next drug advertisement on TV. You will notice that they mention death as one side effect.

Servant Syndrome: Our Ministers treat people throughout the world free of charge with hope that they will donage to the church when well.

God syndrome: Extremely high prices are charged and held in place by law and authority while 970,000 die directly from their prescriptions each year in the USA.

Heals most diseases: We have thousands of emails of hundreds of different diseases healed.

No healing, manages diseases: The medical profession can't even try to claim healing as they never do and never say they do. It is well known that they treat only symptoms.

Heals many in one year: Again, throughout the world hundreds are healed every day. See explanation below this table.

Heals few in a lifetime: Not all drugs but most are calculated to treat but not heal diseases of all kinds. The medical profession manages diseases and does not seek to heal them.

Replaces health insurance: If you can't afford health insurance learn and use MMS as it can save your life when Medical doctors cannot.

Requires expensive insurance: In order to buy modern health insurance you must give up some of the things you would like to afford for your children.

Advanced MMS training: No Debt!! Americans can afford the training of less than two weeks, or buy the new book, “The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium”. Take charge of your own health.

8 years study, Big Debt!! BUT, in only 8 years you can become regarded as a God and be responsible for the health of several thousand people.


Doctor of MMS vs. Doctor of Medicine - Part Two

Why the Genesis 2 Church does not furnish proof of its claims.

What kind of proof do you require? Please check under FDA suppression in Google or other search engines. All those who finally have acquired proof of their cures have either died violent deaths or been imprisoned as are many imprisoned right now. So long as you are just one more unproven theory, one more quack, they don't care, but prove your cure and you become an enemy. They have billions and don’t want to lose a dime. There is no money in a cure!!!! The money is in treatments medicines and insurances, not cures. You can furnish your own proof. Try it and see if it works. Healing by our ministers throughout the world or at our World Head Quarters in the Dominican Republic is free.

Clinical trials and scientific proof costs millions which we don't have. The system is set to prevent any real cures from every becoming known. The average drug at this time costs $800 million dollars to bring to market. But even if we had the money it still wouldn't get FDA approval. Many places in the world today there are those who will kill you for $50. Do you think that the pharmaceutical industry would just stand by and lose billions of dollars each year?

I’ve approached hundreds of wealthy individuals and corporations and all had a reason why not to help. Most were afraid of their friends, family, doctors, FDA, Governments and their accountants. There are thousands of people walking around and enjoying their life that would not be here if I had waited until I had scientific proof. Many said, "get FDA approval and we will put up millions." One billionaire that I approached said, "Here is $5000 dollars, but don't come back." He was probably heavily invested in the “Big Pharma” anyways. The scientific system is set to prevent anything like MMS from ever becoming known, because it was set by modern medical science. The same problem exists in the field of energy.

Those who keep emailing me saying, "If MMS worked there would be no one dying of malaria or cancer right now." But those same people won't try it or give it a chance. That should be their answer right there. There are thousands of others who won't give it a chance either because they all have been brain washed by the modern scientific method that if you don't spend hundreds of millions for FDA approval, it simply isn't true. BUT THERE ARE MILLIONS WHO HAVE GIVEN IT A CHANCE, SO REALLY IT CANNOT BE STOPPED NOW!

NOTE: People from all over the world are tired of being, abused and lied to and systematically eliminated by those who govern over them. Watch the news. The World is changing!!!

As always with love,
Bishop Jim Humble


March 20, 2011
Staph and MRSA, which is an antibiotic resistant variety of staph, have been dramatically increasing over the past few years. Genesis II members and MMS users should know about MRSA and how to handle it with MMS. When medical doctors are unsuccessful treating MRSA with antibiotics, they amputate. MMS will kill MRSA. Up to 30% of us have staph in our noses and that can start a staph infection at any time. Over 19,000 people die from Staph infections each year in the U.S. and it is equally bad all over the world. MRSA now kills more people each year than AIDS.
STATISTICS: If you get MRSA, you have somewhere between 11% and 80% chance of dying. Eleven percent is bad enough, but 80% is outrageous. The 80% figure is what happens if MRSA goes untreated. The 11% figure is what happens if you have the weakest strain of staph and you get standard medical treatment. Different kinds of Staph (there are approximately a dozen) have different fatality rates, but all staph can kill and most staff is now MRSA and resistant to antibiotics.
SYMPTOMS: A MRSA infection begins with flu-like symptoms. Symptoms may include high fever, nausea, vomiting, rash on hands and feet, muscle aches, headaches, shaking chills, swelling, severe pain, as well as:
Blood poisoning,
Septic shock (wide spread infection causing organ failure),
Septic Arthritis (severe joint problems),
Osteomyelitis (bone marrow infection),
Pneumonia, and
Endocarditis (infection of the Heart lining).
The most common infections are in the skin such as boils, abscesses (pus under the skin), sties (eye infections), carbuncles, cellulitis (infection in the skin), and impetigo (skin blisters).
CHURCH HEALING: Do not leave any of these symptoms untreated. If you live near a Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, you can be healed for free by our health ministers. Our cleansing water (MMS) used with our sacraments is about 99% effective. Our church heals for free and gives all sick people the healing water for free. You can donate after you are well, if you wish.
MMS SELF-HEALING: If you do not have access to a Genesis II health minister or a Genesis II Church, you can purchase MMS from many different web sites selling MMS for water purification purposes. It is all the same solution and can be used as described below.
Step one to treating any MRSA or staph infection is to start the sick person on MMS Protocol 1000. Protocol 1000 is having the sick person take 3 drops of activated MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. The MMS must always be activated with one drop of 50% citric acid for each drop of MMS. If the sick person becomes sicker from taking the MMS, then give him or her less MMS the next hour. Prevent the sick person from becoming sicker by giving less and less MMS, but give hourly doses even if it is only ½ drop per hour. As soon as the person being treated can take more, give more, but only up to 3 drops per hour. See protocol 1000 at Eliminating MRSA can take from 1 week to two months, but usually only takes a couple of weeks. The most important treatment for MRSA follows.
Step two: Killing the MRSA using chlorine dioxide gas: Chlorine dioxide gas is probably the most effective antimicrobial agent known. It thoroughly destroys the MRSA bacteria on contact. Use a transparent drinking glass and you will be able to watch the gas penetrate the surface of the skin and melt the pus into a watery liquid. The liquid drains out of the hole that is left in the skin. Hold the affected area of skin so that the liquefied pus can run out. The hole heals quickly without a scar on young people, but leaves a scar in older people.
Obtain a clear drinking glass or container with the mouth big enough to fit over the boil or affected area of skin. Fit the glass over the main area and use a smaller glass for smaller boils. Before fitting the glass over the boil or ruptured area (or area that looks like a spider bite) put 6 drops of MMS and 6 drops of 50% citric acid in the glass and agitate it to mix the two liquids. Then immediately place the mouth of the glass over the area. Do not wait. Place it immediately. Maintain the body in a position so that the glass does not have to be upside down. You do not want the liquid to touch the skin. The glass should be turned no more than directly sideways. Observe as the glass fills with yellow chlorine dioxide gas. This gas will slowly penetrate into the skin area with MRSA and turn the pus to a watery solution. If you use a clear glass you can see this happen. It causes no pain. DO NOT KEEP THE GLASS IN PLACE FOR LONGER THAN 5 MINUTES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. If you hold the glass in place longer than 5 minutes it will begin to burn the skin and will take much longer to heal. Do not burn the skin.
If your first application does not completely destroy the MRSA, you can wait 4 hours and do it again. Do not do it again immediately, as you will burn the skin and cause a worse condition. Doing it again right away does not give the skin time to recover and it is the same as leaving the glass in place a longer time and causes a burn.
Do the same 5 minute process for all areas of the skin that show MRSA evidence. It is best to cover each area with Vaseline and a bandage once treated. The Vaseline prevents any bacteria or other germs from getting to the area to cause more infection. Another option is to spray the treated area with the 10 activated drops MMS per ounce of water solution several times per day.
Other data and safety: The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing treats people free of charge in over 45 different countries of the world. MMS has been used by more than 5 million people. It does not destroy beneficial bacteria and does no damage to the body. It is not considered poisonous by the US Government EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). The US FDA speaks out against chlorine dioxide but authorizes its use on food products before they go to market. Everyone living anywhere in the US has eaten food processed with chlorine dioxide in similar quantities to those used by MMS users to detoxify their bodies and let the bodies heal their diseases.
About MMS: MMS is created from the chemical sodium chlorite. It generates chlorine dioxide when citric acid (a food acid) is mixed with it. In the body, the outer membrane (skin) of pathogens is more than 1000 time less thick than body organ walls such as the walls of the intestines. This thin outer membrane of the pathogens which is actually less than 1/10,000 of an inch thick is easily destroyed by the weak solution of chlorine dioxide, which of course is MMS. This weak solution has no effect on the walls of the various organs of the body which are all thousands of times thicker than the pathogens’ skin. For more complete details of this and all the data in this paper see my new book to be released next week at ,“Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium”.

This white paper is a Technical Bulletin Written by Bishop Jim Humble and provided to the public as a service of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. Please save this paper in a safe place, as it provides the latest updates in MMS technology. It saves lives.

As Always With Love,
Bishop Jim Humble



the typical bottle of water is between 6.4 and 7 ph adding one drop of mms will bring the ph to 8
Also what I do is I have a glass jug in the frige that holds about 10 glasses of water
I draw the water from the tap and put 10 drops of mms without citric acid in the glass jug
that makes it about one drop of mms for each glass of water and brings the ph up to eight
I drink this whole thing every day

you can use baking soda to bring up your ph but be careful baking soda depletes vitiams from body
you need to study this before starting that kind of thing
and make sure you use the right vitiams to replace what the baking soda depletes good luck


Here's an amazing story/protocol: from

Cure for cancer using baking soda in a few days:

Okay…here is how I took the baking soda/molasses/water mixture:
I started out with 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of Brer’ Rabbit Black Strap molasses and one cup of water. Not warmed or heated water. Just room temperature. Why Brer’ Rabbit molasses? Is it something special. No!….it is what I found in the cupboard (hahaha). But hey…maybe it was Brer’ Rabbit. Could it be a candidate for rainbow mania?
Next day – same thing. Third day – same thing. Fourth day – same thing. I am feeling fine and decide to up the dose. Bear in mind, I am new at this and everything I am doing is shooting from the hip. Hips, by the way, that are packing cancer (grin)!
On the fifth day I started taking the solution twice a day. I also started taking better notes and finally got some pH paper and sticks so I could measure my pH. My goal was to get to 8.0 to 8.5 pH and hold it for 4 to five days. I got those numbers from Larry and the internet. It is what he used when ‘doing’ the cesium protocol It is also what I saw on the net in a couple places where someone used cesium or baking soda to change their pH. I read that cancer cells become dormant at pH 7.0 and 7.5 plus or minus a few tenths (this is not an exact science and I am no scientist anyway) and kills them dead at 8.0 and 8.5.
That was my goal. To kill them dead and hoping that bone cancer was a willing victim. Especially with the help of molasses to sweeten the deal (groan). Larry told me about his theory about sugar as a carrier, and I am thinking what the heck – I will try anything. I think Larry was talking honey because he read it somewhere.
My pH measured 7.0 on the fourth day when I did a saliva pH test, and 7.5 when I did a urine pH test. Now didn’t know really how to measure or when to measure pH. I just did it randomly. I started recording the times on the sixth day.
Day six – still 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 2 teaspoon of molasses and 1 cup of water twice a day. The pH measured 7.25. Am I getting symptoms? Yes. I am feeling a little naseous. Not much, but a little quesy. I told Larry that my stool had a yellowish tinge. He said that was good. That is what happens with cesium. Also the nasea is good too. That means the something is coming out. Of course, I am hoping it is cancer.
Now on this day six I really started tracking. I am checking pH with Stix and Paper. I discovered that all pH papers or stix are not alike. I test saliva and the urine, but did not track which one at the time. Here are the times and dosages.
0645 – (Stix pH 7.25 & 7.75; Paper 7.5 Pee) (Stix 7.5 & 6.75 Saliva)
1400 – BSMBS2
1600 – (Stix pH 7.125 Saliva) (Stix pH 7.75 Pee)
2030 – BSMBS2
2345 – (Stix pH 8.0) – Felt a little Nausea
BSMBS2 means Black Strap Molasses and Baking Soda 2 teaspoons each. Add water.
Day seven – 06/08 1200 – (Stix pH 7.375 Paper pH 7.5+)
Getting excited now. My lips tingle a bit and I feel the beginning of Oxygen Euphoria. I was worried a little about the lips, but then recall Larry talking about that as being part of the cesium therapy. Now the Oxygenation feeling that is really something else. It felt like I was hooked up to a pure oxygen machine and my nostrils were as big as wheel barrows.
I am really hopeful now because I am under the impression that oxygen is what really kills cancer. I think it was Larry’s theory also. I am hoping that it likes killing bone cancer too!
Also on day seven I got aggressive and up the baking soda dosage to 3 teaspoons. This action even though I was getting slight headachy feeling. As you can see, I backed off to 2 teaspoons baking soda because I was getting a little nervous. Also, my headache was getting stronger. I vascilated between continuing with the higher dose or not. I really wanted to kill it. But I went with my feeling and reduced it.
1205 – BSM1BS3 Increased BS dosage to 3 teaspoons for this session
1800 – (Stix pH 7.75)
BSMBS2 got a little nervous about 3 teaspoons so I backed off
Day eight – I moved to doing the double dose three times a day. I want that pH to get up there. There could be some health issues with all this baking soda. But I already have health issues. I really don’t know what I am doing. I am going by feel. The pH is doing good.
06/09 0600 – (Stix pH 7.7
1000 – BSMBS2
1900 – (Stix pH 8.25)
1905 - BSMBS2
2345 – BSMBS2
Day nine – A little diarrhea but not much. I am feeling a little weak, but again, not much. Later as I thought back, it would have been a good idea to up my potassium intake. Larry mentioned that it is a must to take high dosage of potassium with cesium. My symptoms I am getting from baking soda are copying what Larry said are cesium taking symptoms. So next time I do baking soda I will add more potassium. That may help up my energy. Later I will let you know what vitamins and minerals I took while on this protocol. I sure like the oxygen feeling.
06/10 0800 – pH 7.75
0900 – pH 8.25
0905 – BSMBS2
1400 – pH 8.5 A note: a little diarrhea, but not much
1600 – BSMBS2
1730 – pH 8.75
2200 – pH 8.5
2345 – BSMBS2
A note: Felt oxygenation euphoria throughout the day. Like my body was breathing pure oxygen. Nostrils are at least a mile wide.
Day ten – My headache is more persistent and I am having body sweats at night. Again, the sweats duplicating cesium symptoms. I cut back this day to a solution twice a day; not three times.
06/11 0800 – pH 8.5
0830 – BSMBS2
1230 – pH 8.5
1830 – pH 8.5 Headache
2330 – 8.375
2331 – BSMBS2
Note: Headache most of the day and part of yesterday. Sweaty late at night. Cut back to BSMBS2 only twice today.
Day eleven – my last day before I am scheduled for the big test. The body scan, that is, to check on the condition of my bones to see what is going on with the cancer.
06/12 0800 - (pH 8.0 and 7.5) Going down to 2 times a day
0910 – pH 7.25
0920 – BSMBS1.5
Note: dropped to 1.5 teaspoons to see if it would help control headache. Loose stool and slight headache. Sweaty last night.
1020 – More diarrhea with slight yellow tinge. Note: cutting back because I felt like it. I felt like I was getting overloaded. I probably would not have dropped back if I was not going to have Body Scan at hospital tomorrow.
1300 – pH 8.35
So there you have it. That was my last day before the scan. I was hoping that I had reached my goal of maintaining pH 8.0 or above for 4 to 5 days. It may have been a stretch, but I think I reached it. Because of the differences in the pH papers and stix I was not 100% confident that I did enough. If I was not going to hospital the next day I would have continued for a few more days….Why did I quit? I really don’t know. Sometimes I just do things. Believe me I was nervous.
As you can see I named this dance “I got hit by a Rainbow.” Now remember….my dosage of Baking Soda is what I used – each person is different. I would suggest that you use muscle testing; or like in my case – I used dowsing to find out what dosages to take. When I took the BS, I did not use anything to figure out what to take. I just did it!
Now when I did take it I did not take it in regards to whether or not bicarbonate of soda would interfere with my digestion process. So if I were someone taking BS to change my pH I would take the baking soda solution two hours before or 2 hours after eating. Gotta give those stomach acids time to digest food.