New Protocols:
New Protocol 1000+
These protocol improvements may be what you are waiting for. There are some diseases that appear on occasion to be
especially resistant to MMS in certain people -- for example, some people have had problems overcoming herpes and others
have had problems with Candida. We keep finding new ways to improve the action of MMS or ways to improve
the reaction time so that one gets well faster. In other words, the basics are known but fine tuning is ongoing.
Three New Improvements
Two are very important and one is minor, though it could be major for some people. 1.
IncludeDMSO-AddasmallamountofDMSOtoeachhourlydose.This can be
done with both protocols 1000 and 2000. a. Protocol1000:amaximumof3dropsofMMSand3dropsofcitricacideach
hour for 8 hours a day; b. Protocol2000:asmanydropsofeach(MMSandcitricinequalamounts)
every hour as you can take (without feeling sicker) for 10 hours a day. Both protocols
call for reducing the drops if one begins to feel bad. Please see for more details.
Use one drop of DMSO for each drop of MMS. Add the DMSO only after the reaction of the MMS and citric acid has
completed (that’s 20 seconds when using 50% citric acid). Give the
mixture 3 minutes to complete after adding the DMSO. Of course, always stir the mixture.
2. EnjoyanImprovedTaste-TheadditionofDMSOdropsimprovesthetasteand makes it easier to take the MMS.
3. TakeMoreHourlyDoses-AlthoughIhaveencouragedpeopletoincreasethe number of hours a day in which they take MMS,
I should mention that Kerri Rivera was the first person to report actually doing so and she also reports better results from it.
She is having her people do more than 8 or 10 hours a day -- up to 12 or 15 hours and even longer. Many are reporting
more results from the longer hours and also from adding DMSO. We first increased the
number of hours, getting improvements, and then we added the DMSO and got more improvement.
In all cases, if you begin to notice nausea or other negative reactions, reduce the amount
of MMS you are taking in each hourly dose. Follow the instructions given here and you will be OK.
Once you have one master healer, you have got to suspect that there are more, and the fact is, there are indeed more. It isn’t all that hard to come up with others. If the medical people were doing what they like the public to believe they do, they would have invented these solutions before I was born. They are chemicals that the body has been using for thousands of years. Industry has been using them for at least 100 years to kill pathogens in water, on meat, on hospital floors and in a hundred other places. If the medical profession was looking to cure people, they would have discovered these things long ago, as they have been there all along.
The logic should have gone something like this: • “Hmm, let’s see now, this particular chemical is used by the immune
system to kill pathogens and other organisms that the body needs to get rid of, and this same chemical is used in industry to kill pathogens and other organisms that industry needs to get rid of. I wonder if we supplied the body with a little extra chemical, would it be more able to kill the same pathogens, since the body is already using this chemical? Maybe it doesn’t have enough when under an attack from a lethal disease.”
It’s so obvious that, in my opinion, medical science should have come up with several miracle substances long ago.
Keep in mind that both MMS1 and MMS2 are chemicals that the human immune system has been using for hundreds of thousands of years. That isn’t something I have thought up. There are thousands of research papers that explain that and it has been known for more than 50 years.
It’s probably pretty hard to understand why medical people haven’t been using those two chemicals to enhance the immune system for at least 50 years, but they never have. Amazing. The name of the MMS2 chemical is calcium hypochlorite. Don’t use any other chemical. Of course it would be nice if we had pharmaceutical grade chemicals to put in our gel capsules, but we do have swimming pool grade chemicals and the manufacturers of these must maintain a fairly pure chemical or they would be poisoning swimmers.
The fact is, I have checked the quality of swimming pool chemicals and there are no poisonous chemicals used. Further, the trace chemicals are all
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at a limit below what is suggested that your system can tolerate, given the amount that you will be ingesting in my protocol. Keep in mind that the human skin is a body organ that can absorb more than the human stomach. So swimming pool manufac- turers must be fairly careful.
Please read through this protocol about 10 times, use the data here in this book, or go to my web site and get the data to make MMS2 capsules. Perhaps you are already proficient in this sort of thing. Do it for yourself or someone else.
In my opinion and from the people I have already seen recover or at least get a lot better, you have a better than 90% chance of recovery if you have a stage IV cancer. If you go the medical route, according to The American Cancer Society you have less than a 3% chance of recovery.
If any of the 23,000 known skin diseases are involved, refer to Chapter 23, Methods Other Than Oral of Using MMS. You can also visit the section regarding MMS tub baths on my web site Note the pictures and list of skin diseases.
Hypochlorous Acid
The immune system uses this acid to kill many things, including disease pathogens. But one of the chemicals that the body manu- factures in order to make hypochlorous acid is known as myeloper- oxidase, and it is often deficient in the human body. Thus there is often not enough hypochlorous acid.
This is known by medical science. There are articles written about it. (Go to Google and search “myeloperoxidase deficiency”. Some 30,000 articles are listed.) So one would have thought that medical science would have just given sick people some extra hypochlorous acid. But guess what, it never happened. So I did it.
Well, I was only partially that smart. Actually my friend next door in the Nevada desert, Bill Boynton, came over one day and said that calcium hypochlorite killed germs in swimming pools and it might just be another MMS. He suggested that we try taking small amounts and see what happens. I figured if he was game to do it, I was too.
We made up some gel capsules with calcium hypochlorite in them and started taking them and when they didn’t kill us, we had some friends take
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them. Then a few people who had prostate cancer took them. At the time, people with prostate cancer were the only ones available who were willing to test the new capsules. So far as I know, not a single person who took these capsules failed to get better or completely healed.
I did the research on it to finally realize that the calcium hypochlorite was turning into hypochlorous acid. I decided to use the gel caps and started sending it out to people in the gel cap form. It’s something a doctor could never do. He has the Hippocratic Oath and AMA and FDA looking over his shoulder. But I am an inventor and never took that oath. If you ask me whether I would rather take a chance in hopes of saving a million lives or be safe and never take a chance, especially with people who would die anyway, my answer is that I would rather take the chance. And so would they, and there are a number of people alive today who are glad they took the chance.
So there you go, calcium hypochlorite turns to 100% hypochlorous acid when dissolved in water. However, you can’t buy it in 100% pure form. It comes anywhere from 55% to 80% pure.
• In general, don’t use anything less than 68% pure, as the lower percentage products have clarifiers and stabilizers in them. But in a pinch, even those could be used, as chemical companies are not going to poison swimmers.
I bought it from pool stores. Guess what? It is “pool chlorine”. That’s it. We’ve been taking “pool chlorine.” But it is not really pool chlorine. In our stomach it really does turn to hypochlorous acid. The other chemicals that come with it are considered non-toxic. They are sodium chemicals like sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. They come in foods and other processes that are safe to eat and safe to swim in. Pool chlorine -- calcium hypochlorite -- doesn’t turn into chlorine like most people think. It turns to hypochlorous acid that has chlorine in it, but like MMS and table salt, it does not react in your body like chlorine.
When you buy this chemical, calcium hypochlorite, the container will say 45%, 55%, 68%, or 78%, or even 85% available chlorine.
• BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE. There is no available chlorine in this chemical.
When it is dissolved in water it turns into hypochlorous acid, not chlorine. There is no available chlorine. It is hypochlorous acid that kills the
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pathogens in the swimming pool and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is no more chlorine than table salt (NaCl). Note that both formulas have Cl, which is chlorine, but in neither case is the chlorine available to be used chemically in the body.
Using Calcium Hypochlorite Capsules
I filled “0” size gel caps with “pool chlorine” (it was 72% calcium hypochlorite; never use less than 68% calcium hypochlorite as the lower percentages contain extra added chemicals such as clarifiers and stabilizers) and had the people take from 1 to 5 capsules a day starting after breakfast. Most of them never took as many as 5 capsules a day, as I advised them to stop taking them if they felt queasy or nauseous.
And then we started adding the calcium hypochlorite (hypochlorous acid) gel caps to our suggestions for treating all kinds of cancer. We have had many good reports. Wish I could tell you their names but then, that’s what they would use to put me in jail. Again, I suggest that you take from 1 to 5 capsules a day while treating cancer or other life-threatening diseases. You can read more about treating severe diseases on my website You can just add these capsules to any procedure.
There is no doubt that many people would have done the same as me if the same situation had been presented to them. I’m glad that I happen to be the one who was in the right place at the right time.
Of course it needed an inventor type attitude to carry it through. Inventors are not scientists, but they are knowledgeable enough that once they find an idea, they can research that small, narrow area that any invention sits in and they sometimes learn enough to put the data to work. There are thousands of really fantastic inventions that will never see the light of day because the powers controlled by greed will not allow it.
To give you a little more data about hypochlorous acid and why it works in the body, let me mention a few more details.
How Does Hypochlorous Acid Work?
I have mentioned that hypochlorous acid is the main acid used by the immune system to destroy pathogens and other microorganisms unwanted in the body. The mechanism is somewhat different than MMS1 (chlorine dioxide). MMS1 oxidizes the pathogens directly, pulling away the electrons that hold their molecules together. MMS2 (hypochlorous acid) acts in a
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different manner. It destroys micro- organisms by carrying oxygen to the microorganism and then the oxygen destroys the organism. Of course, once the hypochlorous acid delivers the oxygen, the destruction is the same. The oxygen pulls off the electrons that hold the pathogen’s skin together.
This is the basic idea of the chemical process: 1. The oxygen released by the hypochlorous acid is known as nascent
oxygen. That means it is extra active and much more powerful than oxygen normally is, but only for a short period of time. In this case that short period is plenty long enough to do the job.
2. The formula of the hypochlorous acid is HOCl. As the HOCl gets near a pathogen it pulls off a single electron. This electron comes over to the HOCl and destroys it, releasing the oxygen (O), the hydrogen (H), and the chlorine (Cl). The oxygen then destroys the molecule in the pathogen. The hydrogen just becomes part of the body’s water, and the chlorine becomes a chloride, which is table salt. Nature picked this acid for use by the immune system to travel throughout the body and into areas where the oxygen obtained from breathing does not reach.
3. The hypochlorous acid acts as a carrier. It carries the oxygen to places it cannot get to when traveling as oxygen. Traveling in the hypochlorous acid, it is kept separate from various body parts that it could oxidize, and when the hypochlorous acid reaches a hidden pathogen deep in a tissue, it releases the oxygen as mentioned in #2 above, in a nascent condition, to do its job. It is an important mechanism that no pathogen has ever developed a resistance to.
Anyone can make MMS2 almost anywhere in the world, as calcium hypochlorite is much more available than the chemical that MMS1 is made from, sodium chlorite. Calcium hypochlorite is sold in most pool stores, and believe it or not, most countries. Even Africa and what we call the developing countries have pool stores. So this chemical is available to almost anyone in the world. It can be used to replace MMS1 in almost every case. Help get the data out. Once people know about this, the ability of the various governments to use diseases as weapons against the people will be nothing.
Hypochlorous Acid and Table Salt
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Here is one more important point that you should know. People worry about being poisoned by MMS2 because it smells and tastes bad. Well, the poison index for MMS2, calcium hypochlorite, is almost the same as for table salt. The actual poison index is 850 mg/kg. That’s the amount that it takes to kill 50% of the rats being tested; the others, lucky for them I guess, live through the test.
However in the case of a human being, a real lethal dose would be considered 4 or 5 times that amount. So if you were a human under test and you weighed 80 kg (176 pounds), one would multiply 850 by 80 kg to get the number of milligrams it would take for a 50% chance of a rat-size lethal dose. That is 68 grams and then 4 times that is 272 grams (or 9.5 ounces) for a 50% chance of a human-size lethal dose.
Table salt would be about the same. Nine and 1/2 ounces of either one would no doubt kill a grown person. But a little salt shaken on your dinner tonight or a single size zero capsule of calcium hypo- chlorite would be about the same amount, and neither is going to give you a problem.
Hypochlorous Acid to Treat Swine Flu and Other Diseases in the case of an Emergency in a Foreign land Should the swine flu hit your area and you can’t find a source of MMS to buy, it would be an emergency. So go to any pharmacy and purchase some kind, any kind, of stomach medicine, or headache medicine in capsule form. Then empty out the medicine from the capsules by pulling them apart, and fill them with calcium hypochlo- rite (hypochlorous acid) bought from a pool store or a department store that sells pool supplies. It’s easy to do. Then you would take one capsule a day to prevent the flu or if you have the flu, take one capsule every other hour all day long. And treat any other disease this way.
Be careful when treating the flu. Use only half a capsule the first time. Open the capsule and dump out half of the contents. Then if it makes you feel bad, or worse than you already feel, use a little less the next time. If you didn’t notice feeling worse, use a full capsule the next time (in two hours). Go easy; it will take a while. If it continues to make you feel worse, keep taking less and less, but don’t stop taking it. Then as you begin to feel better or at least don’t feel worse, start taking a little more. You can load your capsules to do this. You will be OK. But follow what I have said in this paragraph very carefully. It’s very important.
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Protocol 2000
For All Cancers, Stage IV Cancer, and Other Immediately Life- Threatening Diseases
Depending on how bad you feel, start with 1, 2 or 3 drops of MMS every hour for at least 8 hours a day. The worse you feel, the fewer drops you should take.
This is an intense program that often works on cancer at any stage, and has worked for Stage IV cancers. It is the best I know at this time for advanced cancers. I have used it quite a few times on people here in Africa and also for two years in Mexico. It could be used with many other diseases as well. We have successfully treated most known life-threatening diseases in the last stages with this protocol. Hepatitis A, B, and C are examples and the final result was a negative reading. Please read about Protocol 1000 first for the basic technical data you will need.
Never give up on a person. Even if they have 2 hours left to live, get them started. Get some MMS1 into them. Up to this point, MMS is the opposite of drugs. Hundreds of thousands of people die taking drugs and everybody thinks that it is normal. “Well,” the doctor will say, “we were trying.”
Think of this – over the past ten years, there has only been one death reported of someone taking MMS and that person was just not in good enough shape to be helped, even by MMS. Now millions of people have at least tried MMS and most of the millions were sick from something, else there would be no point in their trying it.
• No deaths have been reported.
In the 100,000 malaria cases treated by MMS, there were no deaths. Normally there would have been from 400 to 500 deaths in that number of malaria cases.
Step One of Two
Begin by taking a one-drop dose of MMS. Do this each hour for several hours until it appears that one drop is tolerated OK. Just add one drop of MMS to an empty dry glass and then a drop of 50% citric acid. Be sure to wait for at least 20 seconds before adding juice or water and drinking it.
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Protocol 2000
You can use up to a full glass of water or juice to overcome most of the bad taste. Do this every hour for 10 hours straight each day. However, one drop is not enough. That is just to get you started. Once you determine that you can tolerate that one drop, go to two drops each hour. You don’t have to wait a whole day to go to two drops. If there is no nausea in the first two hours, go ahead and try two drops an hour. Two drops are activated with 10 drops of lemon or 10% citric or two drops of 50% citric.
• The one juice you must not use is orange juice. And forego use of vitamin C while on the 2000 protocol. Both orange juice and vitamin C prevent the action of MMS. If you add juice to improve the flavor, use only juices with no added Vitamin C.
• You can wait until two hours after completing the protocol for the day and then take your vitamin C.
• If you become sicker than you already are, stop taking MMS until the increased portion of the sickness is gone and start back with a smaller dose.
You can increase to 8 or even 10 drops of MMS1 each hour. However that is a lot, and most people will become nauseous and not tolerate that much until the cancer or other disease is completely gone. If you do go this high, place the activated mix in at least three quarters of a glass of water or juice or a full glass (8 ounces). That way you may be able to tolerate the taste a little more than if you used less water or juice and thus had a more concentrated mix.
Step Two of Two
Now the next step is a little hard for some people, but if you want a good result, it is needed. You must take MMS2 capsules at least twice a day at first and then increase to 5 times a day.
Start slowly, as with everything. MMS2 is hypochlorous acid, the same acid that the human immune system uses to kill things. It has the smell of chlorine, but it is not chlorine -- it is just made with chlorine like table salt. Although it tastes a little worse than table salt, it has approximately the same poison index. So you could take a tremendous amount more than Protocol 2000 calls for before it became dangerous.
At the time of this writing, 1/15/2011 send an email to sales@min- eral- and he will ship a 60-capsule bottle to you. The cost is about $60 USD but that includes the shipping fee as well. I feel safe in telling you
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Protocol 2000
about him because he is in Thailand. He ships them right out and you usually get them in less than a week. The immune system simply cannot make enough of this chemical to kill a cancer, but you can supplement it with these capsules. It’s the very same thing your immune system makes. This acid is generated by the chemical called calcium hypochlorite when you buy it.
You could make your own MMS 2 capsules by scooping this chemical into a size zero gel capsule. Cap it and take a capsule 4 times a day with 2 hours separating each capsule, but go slowly. Start with capsules only one quarter filled and if there is little or no nausea or diarrhea, fill the capsules more until they are full each time. This data is explained on my website under the MMS2 menu item.
If you doubt my word about this acid being used by the immune system, go to Google and search for “hypochlorous acid and the immune system.” You will get dozens or hundreds of sites telling you about it being used by the immune system.
However, I am the only one who suggests that you take it by mouth. I have been taking it for 4 years, and hundreds of people I sent it to in the beginning have taken it as well and now thousands have bought it from a supplier or made their own. (No, I never did charge for it. I mention this because so many critics keep saying I am making millions.)
Actually it is perfectly logical to take it. Your system uses it extensively throughout the body to kill pathogens and the human body has been using it for hundreds of thousands of years. It would seem perfectly logical to assume that the system might need some if a disease is not being destroyed. Only people who sell drugs would want you to not take it, because it will heal you and you won’t need their ineffective drugs.
Managing Your Protocol 2000 Doses
OK, so now you have the two things that you must take to kill your cancer. You must saturate your body with MMS1 and MMS2 to the point of killing the cancer quickly, but not so quickly that it makes you feel sicker than you already are. Killing the cancer too quickly can kill you too, so go slowly. You must take as much as you can without developing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe fatigue.
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Protocol 2000
It is a balancing act. Increase your doses until you notice some slight indication that nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe fatigue, or all four are beginning to show up. If you know nausea is coming on, just reduce the next dose by about half. If nausea still hits, then stop the intake of MMS1 and 2 until the nausea passes, and start again immediately, but reduce the dose of both MMS1 and 2.
You should notice the cancer getting better (smaller or less pain) very soon, or maybe you’ll just notice it not getting worse. However, do not remain taking a reduced dosage. After several hours of taking a reduced dose that does not make you feel worse, begin slowly increasing again. Soon you will get the hang of the balancing act of taking as much as possible but not letting it make you feel sicker. Find your body’s balancing point so that you do not feel any of the negative symptoms I have mentioned. Overdosing is never productive.
You may find it necessary to also use Protocol 3000. If the cancer is not going away, many people find that Protocol 3000 helps overcome it. A few people have been successful in using Protocol 3000 on their cancer, and nothing else, as it is a very powerful protocol and it can kill many diseases. But normally one will need both Protocols 2000 and 3000.
However, the same rules apply. • Do not make yourself feel worse and if you do, reduce your intake of
MMS 1 and 2.
The minute you feel that nausea is starting, or something else is feeling bad, reduce your dosage or at least do not increase. This goes for both MMS1 and 2. With MMS2 you can reduce the dosage by opening the capsule and dumping part of the powder out. Generally, once you are taking a full capsule, you would increase the dose merely by just taking more capsules in a day. Maintain the two-hour separation, but you can take it more often if it doesn’t make you feel sicker. Don’t take more than one capsule at one time. You can also reduce the amount of MMS used with Protocol 3000 by using smaller areas of the skin.
The New MMS Protocol 1000
This is it: The new HIV/AIDS and Other Disease Protocol MMS-1000: • Take 3 drops of activated MMS in juice or water once each hour for at
least 8 consecutive hours every day for 3 weeks. • Normally it is best to start by taking only one or two drops an hour for
the first several hours. • For a very sick person, it is best to start out with a half drop an hour
for the first several hours. • Increase the number of drops per hour as the person is able to
tolerate more drops but never go more than 3 drops an hour. • If vomiting or diarrhea seem extra bad, stop hourly doses until they
are over and then start back, but at a reduced dose. • In case of nausea immediately reduce the dose but do not stop taking
MMS unless the nausea is severe.
You can make your MMS doses in either of two ways and be sure to do it in a clean, dry cup or glass:
1. Use a 50% solution of citric acid and add one drop of it for each drop of MMS. Swirl it a little, wait 20 seconds, add a half cup of water or juice (with no added vitamin C but natural vitamin C is OK), and drink it.
2. Use a 10% solution of citric acid (or lemon or lime juice) and add five drops of it for each drop of MMS. Swirl it a little, wait three minutes, add a quarter cup of water or juice (with no added vitamin C but natural vitamin C is OK), and drink it.
Do not use orange juice, but most other juices are OK, as long as they have no added Vitamin C. Orange juice and added Vitamin C prevent the MMS action.
If you don’t have juice or would rather not use juice, instead use a full glass of water (8 ounces). Then you may not notice the taste.
Dealing With Nausea etc.
If you notice nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe tiredness, drink a glass of water or take a teaspoon of baking soda or Alka Seltzer. If that doesn’t help, stop until the problem is gone, and then continue with less MMS for a few hours. But return to 3 drops an hour as soon as you can. Only stop in
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The New MMS Protocol 1000
the case of severe nausea until the nausea or other problem is gone and then continue at a smaller dose.
• These reactions in the body are indications that MMS is working, but that you have taken more than your body can comfortably handle.
MMS Protocol 1000 for HIV/AIDS
This protocol is for all HIV/AIDS CASES and many other diseases where one’s life isn’t immediately threatened, where one feels that he has weeks or months to act, but the disease will eventually be life-threatening.
The MMS-1000 protocol is also a super detoxification procedure, probably the most effective known. People who have finished the procedure are healthy and for the most part, happy. You have to be here in Africa to see it. Once Protocol 1000 is done, people shine with good health. I don’t think you could find any doctor to say that they are not healthy, and in my opinion, healthy people are often happy people. I wish you could be here. These people are far beyond any detox or fasting program I have ever seen. Eight hundred treated so far in this one test plus many others around the world. Many have been checked at the local hospital just for general health and they are fine
HIV Testing (Written January 2010)
Here in Africa so far, we have successfully treated 800 HIV/AIDS cases during this visit (July 2009 to February 2010). For many of the people, AIDS was far advanced. But you have to look at what I consider “successful.” There is no test for checking to see if someone is HIV negative. Also, I don’t mean to sound like these are the only successful HIV/AIDS cases. We have been successful with HIV/ AIDS for the last 10 years or so but this new protocol makes it very easy. Long before the 3 weeks are over, the person is healthy again.
All the tests for HIV have been designed to test for HIV positive. The tests detect antibodies to the HIV virus or antigens. Antigens are substances that cause the immune system to generate antibodies. Unfortunately, both antibodies and antigens will be with you long after the HIV virus is gone, maybe for the rest of your life. That’s the immune system’s job, to protect you from the disease, or from the disease coming back, by keeping antibodies available. So the present tests for HIV positive will never work for testing HIV negative.
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OK, so what is a successfully treated HIV person? Well here in Africa we have now come to consider that it is any HIV/AIDS case that has lost all the various discomforts and symptoms and poor health that a person with AIDS has. In other words, here in Africa, when he is healthy and active again, we consider that his treatment has been successful.
The CD4 Count
One other test that we apply, even though most doctors will say they don’t know what it means, is the CD4 count. Any doctor has to admit that the CD4 count going up is a good significant indicator. It is a test of the white blood cells that the immune system uses to kill diseases and other things and the theory is that it is low when the HIV virus is present. But that is only a theory. The reason why doctors say they don’t know what it means that the CD4 count goes up is that they do not believe it to be possible that the HIV virus is gone.
If the CD4 count is back up to normal or going up to normal, we consider that a very good indication. The normal range is between 400 and 1000. That is a measurement of white blood cells.
• A person on the HIV/AIDS MMS protocol will have a 200 to 400 point increase in CD4 count in 3 to 4 weeks.
In my opinion at this time, anyone who has a 200 to 400 increase in CD4 count is HIV and AIDS free -- otherwise why is the CD4 count going up so far? Anyway a person with a 400 CD4 count or less is considered to have HIV and a person who has less than 100 CD4 count is considered to have AIDS. In the U.S., they consider that you have AIDS when the white blood count is 200 or less. (There are reasons that they consider it 200 in the US and 100 in Africa, and I think it is because the sooner you are considered to have AIDS, the sooner it is legal to sell you AIDS ARV drugs.
The drug companies claim that ARV drugs can increase the CD4 count as much as 25 points a year, but they haven’t shown any such records proving it, that I can find.
So in my opinion, when someone finishes this latest HIV protocol, I believe that he really is HIV/AIDS negative. So far the people here who have finished this protocol have remained healthy for up to 4 months (till now). Someday, there will be a test to prove HIV negative, but there is no such test now. And appalling as it sounds, there are many false HIV positive
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The New MMS Protocol 1000
tests reported, causing people distress, wasted money and lost time when it is not necessary, and of course the drug companies could care less, as they just make extra money selling the ARV drugs that people take if they are considered to be HIV positive. As long as we cannot prove HIV negative, the people who believe doctors will continue to take the poisonous ARV drugs. And of course, everyone in Africa believes doctors.
All the people treated with this protocol here are happy to be over their bad health and suffering and back to their normal lives. On their health sheet under “Other Data,” they all write, “Happy.” They are not worried about HIV any more as they feel that should their health deteriorate, they will just take some more MMS. In all the cases so far there have been no failures. They just get well. Why would I fool you? I don’t sell MMS.
Although the HIV protocol is a bit intense and takes three weeks, it is quite simple. It uses only MMS which is now called MMS1. Out of the entire group, only 3 needed MMS2 because they had cancer, and that was handled too.
Opportunistic Diseases
Normally, HIV positive people have what are called opportunistic diseases that take over or get started because of the distressed immune system. Evidently the first thing MMS does is to go after those diseases. This strengthens the immune system which can then gear up and kill pathogens throughout the body.
The reason why hourly doses are required is that HIV is a virus -- or maybe not. I know there are theories that HIV doesn’t exist and that AIDS doesn’t come from HIV. And the fact is, about 50% of people who have AIDS never were diagnosed with HIV. Fortunately, MMS doesn’t care one bit either way. It just does its job.
It has been demonstrated that killing viruses takes longer than killing bacteria. It evidently takes more than 1 or 2 hours. How much longer I am not sure, but the 3 drops hourly for 8 hours per day for 3 weeks seems to work. All I know is that MMS overcomes AIDS and either it kills HIV or it just kills all the diseases that are present.
I believe that something more than just bad nutrition is responsible for all those opportunistic diseases that seem to occur. They may be caused by
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The New MMS Protocol 1000
the ARV drugs that are given to most patients. The ARVs certainly don’t do anything to prevent the opportunistic diseases or aid in their treatment. That is announced on the side of each ARV drug box.
However, the ARV drugs that most HIV/AIDS patients are using also do not seem to prevent MMS from working. The people get well and I consider that amazing, as these drugs are the most poisonous thing a person can take that does not kill him immediately.
So the thing to do is get people to stop taking the ARVs. But that can be dangerous in some cases, as ARVs are not something you can fool with much. It would be best to wait until they have finished the HIV protocol or until they have been taking MMS for 4 or 5 days. At that time, they can easily stop the ARV drugs. ARV drugs are killing a lot more people than HIV.
MMS works very quickly. How many people do you see tossing off their diseases and health problems in 3 weeks? Not many. In Protocol 1000, there is no need to use DMSO or MMS2 unless some unusual problem is present or comes to light.
Protocol 1000 for Swine Flu (H1N1)
In the event you are using the Protocol 1000 for the pig flu (swine flu, H1N1) and you don’t notice an improvement in the first 4 days or less, you should add MMS2 to the protocol. Start out with one or two capsules and use as many as 4 capsules a day, taking one every other hour. Separate the capsules from the MMS1 doses by about half an hour. Do this faithfully and you should be well long before 3 weeks are up.
The swine flu goes to your lungs and can cause you to cough up blood. I had it and several have called or sent emails to mention that they had it. From what people say, it sounds like the worst flu yet. But they said they handled it with MMS.MMS treats it successfully. Just don’t take too much MMS -- remember the rules.
If MMS makes you feel worse: • It is working, but you are taking too much. You must decrease your
doses. If you try to tough it out and continue taking too much, it can kill you. Decrease your dose to one drop an hour and if you are
Excerpt from The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium! 5
The New MMS Protocol 1000
already taking a drop an hour and it is still making you feel worse,
reduce to half a drop an hour or a quarter, or an eighth. But: • Do not stop taking MMS, especially if you have the swine flu. It is OK
to stop for an hour or several hours if the MMS did indeed make you feel worse. Stop only until you are feeling like you were when you started the MMS and then start back at a smaller dose.
Read this data again. Be sure to continue on an hourly dose, and continue to increase the dose if you can. If necessary, reduce all the way to an eighth of a drop per hour. But increase the dose as soon as possible. As I already said, add MMS2 if you are not improving. |