Sound Styles of the GR-55


Lead • 01-1     •     Rhythm • 01-1 RH     •     Other • 01-1 OT


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5th Layer 11-2 Highlander GTR 04-3 OT
-2 Tubular & LP 28-1 RH HnkyTonk Piano 14-1 RH
+1 Oct Modulation 39-3 Hold Bass>Wah LD 39-3 OT
+1Oct Mild Lead 15-2 HOUSE FIRE 28-2 OT
12st AG & Ch Org 01-1 RH Hyper TE Beat 28-1 OT
30 String Guitar 05-1 RH Is Dis Fat? 23-2 OT
3x OrganPower 17-3 RH Jazz Guitar 06-2 RH
70s Unison 17-1 Jazz Guitar Vibe 02-3
80s Analog Mix 38-3 RH Jazz Trio 01-3 OT
80s Kraftgroove 35-1 OT JazzEP/BassSplit 17-1 OT
80s Piano 16-1 RH Kalimba Pad 37-1 RH
80s Stack Piano 23-1 RH KOTO DREAMS 02-3 OT
AC->12stAC(CTL) 11-2 RH Lead Beast 16-1
Accordion 19-2 RH LEAD VIOLIN 26-3
Ac Guitar l2st+Strings 06-1 RH Legato Solo 03-1
Acid Bass 29-1 RH Like 60s 23-2 RH
Acoustic Bass 29-2 RH LIPSTACK DLY 40-1
Acoustic Heaven 10-3 OT Liquid Baritone 33-1
AG & Epf 13-3 RH Lo B Rush Hour 34-1 OT
AG+Bell Pad 03-3 RH Lofi Flute&Glockn 24-3
AG+Voice 21-2 RH LONG ECHO LEAD 14-1
AggroClav 26-1 OT LP + STACK 05-3 RH
Alto Sax 22-1 MahoganyTones 34-2
Analog Clay S&H 16-2 RH Mandlin&AG+Acord 36-3 RH
Analog Seq & Dly 39-2 OT Marimba 20-2 RH
Analog Voice Pad 27-3 RH MELLOW CELLO 04-3
Anthem Approved 38-2 METAL SAW LEAD 13-2
Arabian Nights 19-1 OT Metal Scat 17-2 OT
Armageddon 20-3 OT Metal Synth Lead 01-1
Asian DADGAD 09-2 RH Metal Timpani 11-2 OT
Asian Edge 40-1 RH Metamorphosis 04-2 OT
AsianOpenG-Slide37-2 RH MILD CLEAN 38-3
Back To Da Crib 27-3 OT MILD NYLON Gt 36-1 RH
Ballade Wurly 07-1 RH MILD OCTAVE 39-1
Bass Flute Sax Trio 20-1 OT MILD SAW LEAD 14-3
Beat Provider 27-1 OT Moody Sax 22-2
Bell Clean 13-2 RH Moody BaritoneG- 31-3 RH
Bell & Mallet+(Bs) 19-3 RH More Blacklord 09-1
Bell & SynBrass Gt 36-3 OT Morpheus 19-2 OT
Big Ben 25-3 OT Most Beautiful GTR 40-2 RH
Big Syn Drum 10-1 OT Motion Builder 12-3 OT
BLADE RUNNING 26-3 RH Mute Trumpet/EXP 07-2
Blue Grass 12-St 13-1 RH NashvilleRoads 31-2 RH
Brass + Drive 29-1 NaturalResoLead 10-1
Brassy Lead 13-3 NEW WAVES 07-2 OT
Bridge of Sy's 28-2 RH Nice Tenor 02-1
BRIGHT +1 OCTAVE 39-2 Noize Mix Drive 05-3 OT
Bright Gtr + Pad 10-3 RH NYLON Gt+STRINGS 07-3 RH
BRIGHT ST ft-EC 35-2 RH Nylon String Gtr 11-3 RH
British RaceTrack 40-3 OT Oboe 21-2
Bubble in Heaven 33-3 OT Octa Sync Mix 37-2
Buzz Lead 13-1 Odd Guitar 15-3 OT
Captain Nylon 32-1 Open E Repeater 33-1 RH
Celesta 19-1 RH Open G Dulcimers 38-1 RH
Cheap Organ 17-2 RH ORCHESTRA 25-1 RH
Cheezy Movie 11-3 OT Organ,Pf & OD Gt 29-2
Chromatic Harmo 25-2 Organ Syn Lead 10-2
CInCho EXP>Bell 32-3 RH OverblownClnGTR 12-2 OT
Cinematic Art 26-2 OT OVERDRIVE+CELLO 28-2
Clarinet>EXP Vib 21-1 Oxygen Lead 24-2 OT
COMEDIAN 29-3 OT P90 & Organ Bell 08-1
Comfortable Solo 17-2 Pan Flute 23-2
Compu Rhythm 40-2 OT PARADISE LOST 08-3 OT
Concert Grand 07-1 Pdl Bend Guitar 09-2
Crims-O-Tron 10-3 Pedal Wah 12-1 RH
Crunch &Voice 22-3 RH PHASE STRINGS 26-1 RH
Crunch LP&St Pad 39-1 RH Phaser E.Pf 14-2 RH
CTL=DLY/EXP=WAI- 08-3 Piano Anlg Pad 14-3 RH
DADGAD Crunch 39-2 RH Piccolo 23-3
DADGAD PHASER 09-1 RH Pipe Organ 17-1 RH
Dancing Acoustic 06-3 OT PIZZICATO Gt 25-2 RH
Dark Trumpet 18-3 PluckdBaritoned 16-2 OT
Dark Side OfTheSun 02-2 OT POLY DISTOTION 09-3
Dbl Crystal Bell 39-1 OT POLY SITAR 02-2 RH
Deep Water(OpenE) 33-2 OT Portamento Lead 12-1
Deja Vu Bass 22-3 OT POWER Ac.GUITAR35-3 RH
Dissonant Beauty 16-1 OT Pulsing Bell+EG 13-1 OT
Dist Sine Solo 12-2 Quantum Physics 17-3 OT
Dist Square Lead 12-3 Question+Answer 04-1 OT
Dist Sync Lead 11-1 R12st+Clavi+Xylo 18-2 RH
Dist Violin 27-1 RAINSTORM 29-1 OT
Double Cello 27-3 Real & Syn Brass 24-2 RH
Double Low Piano 04-1 RH Recorder 25-1
Double Flat Heavy 01-2 RH Reed Organ(+LP) 23-3 RH
Dream Bell 16-2 Reggae Ricky 34-1 RH
Dreamin Resonator 31-1 RH Reverse Gt+St Pad 38-1 OT
Drive Blues Harp 04-1 Rhythmic Pulse 14-3 OT
Drive Wurly 15-3 RH RICH STRINGS 02-1 RH
Drive+Violn+Cello 27-2 RnB Section 07-2 RH
Drop D Trance 36-2 Rock Lead Organ 01-2
Drop D Slices 36-2 OT RockIn Cathedral 08-3 RH
Dual Sync Lead 06-1 Rocky Organ 14-2
Dynamic TL! 33-3 RH Rotary G & Pad 21-3 RH
Dyno Epf w/Pad 15-1 RH Rotary Poly Key 32-1 RH
E.Sitar& Dly Toy 08-1 OT Rotary Wurly Pls 38-2 RH
E.Piano 04-2 RH Saturated Dreams 40-3
E.Piano/AcPiano 16-3 RH Scared Score 15-1 OT
Eastern FluteGT 15-2 OT Scary Scream 29-2 OT
Edge Brass 24-3 RH Scat & Guitar 06-1 OT
Electric 12str 11-1 RH Scift Res Lead 37-1
ElectroG&Passing 31-3 OT Screamin Lead 11-3
EmoCarillion 21-2 OT Scuba-Diving 09-3 OT
Emotional Lead 05-2 SE Pad & LP+MS 06-2 OT
Emotional Ballad 27-2 RH Seq'Tempo Dly+EG 02-1 OT
Enigmatic Rick 18-1 OT Sequence Clean 10-2 OT
Epf + 335 Unison 07-3 Sequence Trio 14-1 OT
ES335 Bright 33-2 RH Seychelles Tour 27-1 RH
Esoteric Vibe 22-2 OT SGT Fr Horn 20-1
Euro Beat Slicer 18-2 OT Sax over Organ 33-3
European Feedbacl< 34-3 Shadow Crunch Gt 38-3 OT
Exorbitanz 20-2 OT Shamisen 29-3
Extreme FX 14-2 OT Shanai+Rhythm 27-2 OT
FAB 4 Together 22-1 OT Simple Clavi 18-1 RH
Faded Cherry 28-3 RH Simple Square 15-1
Fairy Jazz GT 32-3 OT Sine Air Bend 03-3 OT
Fall Down(ExpPdl) 37-2 OT Single Note Orch. 38-2 OT
Fantasy E.Guitar 31-1 OT Sitar 36-2 RH
Fat Brass Sec 19-2 Sitar Fantasy 05-1 OT
Fat Drive Mix 10-2 RH Slicer Change 36-1 OT
Fat Power Note 38-1 Slow Attack Solo 03-2
Feedback Guitar 08-2 Slow Gear Synth 24-1 OT
Female Chorus 16-3 SMOOTH LEAD+VLN 28-3
Filter Harp 25-3 SNEAKING UP 25-2 OT
Filtered PolySyn 37-3 Soft Syn Lead 36-3
Fine Wine(DropD) 33-1 OT Soft Bright Pad+L4 01-3 RH
Flange Strings 25-3 RH Solo Fr.Horn 19-3
Flat Tuned Drive 12-3 RH Solo Trombone 20-2
Flute Solo 02-2 Soprano Sax 21-3
Flute+Gtr Unison 23-1 Space Altar 31-2 OT
Flutey GT 24-1 Sparkle BelI GTR 11-1 OT
Flying Tremolo 13-2 OT Sqr Pipe For You 06-3
FlyingJuno Brass 36-1 ST + TWEED 05-2 RH
for Normal PU 01 30-1 OT ST+FM Epf+Voice 15-2 RH
for Normal PU 02 30-2 OT Stack Of Blues 40-3 RH
for Normal PU 03 30-3 OT Stack Of Solo Synth 31-3
for Normal PU L1 30-1 Stalker Violin 12-1 OT
for Normal PU L3 30-3 Steel Drums/Ethno 20-3 RH
for Normal PU R1 30-1 RH Steel Pan + Agogo 24-3 OT
for Normal PU R2 30-2 RH Stolling Rones 12-2 RH
for Normal PU R3 30-3 RH Strange Whistle 05-1
for' Normal PU L2 30-2 Strictly E 26-3 OT
Fourth Of Fifth 07-3 OT String Quartet 33-2
Full Section 24-1 RH Super Low Brass 20-3
Full Beard Boogie 34-1 Sweep & Mod 32-1 OT
Funkenstein Bass 35-1 Symphonic Rock! 08-1 RH
Funky Syn Lead 06-2 Syn Brs&Ana Bell 32-2 RH
Fuzz Bass&Syn Bs 35-2 Syn Str.Pd1 Reso 03-1 RH
Fuzz Heaven 18-3 OT Sync Key Vox Gt 32-3
GHOSTLY 25-1 OT Synth Brass Lead 03-3
GK Paradise 23-1 OT SynthBrass 26-2 RH
Gladiator 23-3 OT Tap Dance Guitar 40-1 OT
GLASS CELLO 28-1 TB-303 Bass 03-2 RH
GR Brass+Strings 08-2 RH TE+FM Bell Pad 20-1 RH
GR-300 Ctl:+10ct 01-3 TeleTastic 35-1 RH
GR-300 Triplet 05-2 OT TIGHT TELE STACK 34-3 RH
GR-Wonderland 37-1 OT TL&Rotary Organ 06-3 RH
Grinder 21-1 OT TL+St Flanger Pad 09-3 RH
GroovePusher 16-3 OT Touchy 5th 09-2 OT
Gt &Vo Unison 22-1 RH Tp Section 04-2
Gt + HARMONICA 26-1 Trademark Riff 09-1 OT
Gt + ROCK BASS 39-3 RH Trance Groove 28-3 OT
Gtr + Organ Unison 18-1 Trance Mission 34 2 OT
Gtr Bell (+ExpSw) 37-3 OT Trance Organ 13-3 OT
Guitar+SaxUnison 22-3 Trancy CTL=BPM 35-2 OT
Hard St/Syn FX 31-2 Trancy Riff BPM 35-3 OT
Harp Nylon &String 32-2 Tremolo Morphin 32-2 OT
Harpsichord CTL 18-3 RH Trio Concerto 08-2 OT
HarpsiOrch+12st 37-3 RH Ultimate Pulse 01-1 OT
Heaven Ocarina 24-2 Ultra slow Groove 34-3 OT
Heavens Bells 03-2 OT Unbelievable 21-3 OT
Heavy EXPsw Up 34-2 RH Unison Lead 15-3
Heavy Gt 40-2 Unison+SthPower 19-3 OT
Heavy Gt W/Sweer 10-1 RH Vibraphone 18-2
Heavy Harmonica 26-2 Voice Hit 03-1 OT
Heavy Hit & Groove 01-2 OT Voice Pad SL 21-1 RH
Heavy P-Funk BS 29-3 RH Vox+Pf+Crystal 22-2 RH
Heavy Pdl Bend 31-1 Wah Feedback 17-3
Heavy Pulse 07-1 OT Wave Synth SOLO 05-3
Heavy Brass Rock 02-3 RH Weather Forecast 35-3
High Note Tp 19-1 Xylophone Plus 04-3 RH

By Category

  HonkyTonk Piano 14-1 RH
  E.Piano 04-2 RH
  E.PIANO + AcPiano 16-3 RH
  Concert Grand 07-1
  Piano Anlg Pad 14-3 RH
  80s Piano 16-1 RH
  80s Stack Piano 23-1 RH
  Double Low Piano 04-1 RH
  Acid Bass 29-1 RH
  Acoustic Bass 29-2 RH
  JazzEP/BassSplit 17-1 OT
  Hold Bass>Wah LD 39-3 OT
  Bass Flute Sax Trio 20-1 OT
  Deja Vu Bass 22-3 OT
  Fuzz Bass&Syn Bs 35-2
  Funkenstein Bass 35-1
  TB-303 Bass 03-2 RH
  Gt + ROCK BASS 39-3 RH
  Lofi Flute&Glockn 24-3
  Flute Solo 02-2
  Pan Flute 23-2
  Flute+Gtr Unison 23-1
  Flutey GT 24-1
  Bass FluteSaxTrio 20-1 OT
  Eastern FluteGT 15-2 OT

By Number

Metal Synth Lead 01-1 Clarinet>EXP Vib 21-1
12st AG & Ch Org 01-1 RH Voice Pad SL 21-1 RH
Ultimate Pulse 01-1 OT Grinder 21-1 OT
Rock Lead Organ 01-2 Oboe 21-2
DoubleFlatHeavy 01-2 RH AG+Voice 21-2 RH
Heavy Hit&Groove 01-2 OT EmoCarillion 21-2 OT
GR-300 Ctl:+10ct 01-3 Soprano Sax 21-3
SoftBrightPad+L4 01-3 RH Rotary G & Pad 21-3 RH
Jazz Trio 01-3 OT Unbelievable 21-3 OT
Nice Tenor 02-1 Alto Sax 22-1
RICH STRINGS 02-1 RH Gt &Vo Unison 22-1 RH
Seq'Tempo Dly+EG 02-1 OT FAB 4 Together 22-1 OT
Flute Solo 02-2 Moody Sax 22-2
POLY SITAR 02-2 RH Vox+Pf+Crystal 22-2 RH
DarkSideOfTheSun 02-2 OT Esoteric Vibe 22-2 OT
Jazz Guitar Vibe 02-3 Guitar+SaxUnison 22-3
HeavyBrassRock 02-3 RH Crunch &Voice 22-3 RH
KOTO DREAMS 02-3 OT Deja Vu Bass 22-3 OT
Legato Solo 03-1 Flute+Gtr Unison 23-1
Syn Str.Pd1 Reso 03-1 RH 80s Stack Piano 23-1 RH
Voice Hit 03-1 OT GK Paradise 23-1 OT
SlowAttack Solo 03-2 Pan Flute 23-2
TB-303 Bass 03-2 RH Like 60s 23-2 RH
Heavens Bells 03-2 OT Is Dis Fat? 23-2 OT
Synth Brass Lead 03-3 Piccolo 23-3
AG+Bell Pad 03-3 RH Reed Organ(+LP) 23-3 RH
Sine Air Bend 03-3 OT Gladiator 23-3 OT
Drive Blues Harp 04-1 Flutey GT 24-1
Double Low Piano 04-1 RH Full Section 24-1 RH
Question+Answer 04-1 OT SlowGearSynth 24-1 OT
Tp Section 04-2 Heaven Ocarina 24-2
E.Piano 04-2 RH Real & Syn Brass 24-2 RH
Metamorphosis 04-2 OT Oxygen Lead 24-2 OT
MELLOW CELLO 04-3 LofiFlute&Glockn 24-3
Xylophone Plus 04-3 RH Edge Brass 24-3 RH
HighlanderGTR 04-3 OT SteelPan + Agogo 24-3 OT
Strange Whistle 05-1 Recorder 25-1
30 String Guitar 05-1 RH ORCHESTRA 25-1 RH
Sitar Fantasy 05-1 OT GHOSTLY 25-1 OT
EMOTIONAL LEAD 05-2 Chromatic Harmo 25-2
GR-300 Triplet 05-2 OT SNEAKING UP 25-2 OT
Noize Mix Drive 05-3 OT Big Ben 25-3 OT
Dual Sync Lead 06-1 Gt + HARMONICA 26-1
Scat & Guitar 06-1 OT AggroClav 26-1 OT
Funky Syn Lead 06-2 Heavy Harmonica 26-2
Jazz Guitar 06-2 RH SynthBrass 26-2 RH
SE Pad & LP+MS 06-2 OT Cinematic Art 26-2 OT
SqrPipe For You 06-3 lEAD VIOLIN 26-3
TL&Rotary Organ 06-3 RH BLADE RUNNING 26-3 RH
DancingAcoustic 06-3 OT Strictly E 26-3 OT
Concert Grand 07-1 DISTVIOLIN 27-1
Ballade Wurly 07-1 RH Seychelles Tour 27-1 RH
Heavy Pulse 07-1 OT Beat Provider 27-1 OT
Mute Trumpet/EXP 07-2 DRIVE+VLN+CELLO 27-2
RnB Section 07-2 RH EmotionalBallad 27-2 RH
NEW WAVES 07-2 OT Shanai+Rhythm 27-2 OT
Epf + 335 Unison 07-3 DOUBLE CELLO 27-3
NYLON Gt+STRINGS 07-3 RH Analog Voice Pad 27-3 RH
Fourth Of Fifth 07-3 OT BackToDaCrib 27-3 OT
P90 & Organ Bell 08-1 GLASS CELLO 28-1
Symphonic Rock! 08-1 RH -2 Tubular & LP 28-1 RH
E Sitar& Dly Toy 08-1 OT Hyper TE Beat 28-1 OT
Feedback Guitar 08-2 OVERDRIVE+CELLO 28-2
GR Brass+Strings 08-2 RH Bridge of Sy's 28-2 RH
Trio Concerto 08-2 OT HOUSE FIRE 28-2 OT
RockInCathedral 08-3 RH Faded Cherry 28-3 RH
PARADISE LOST 08-3 OT Trance Groove 28-3 OT
More Blacklord 09-1 Brass + Drive 29-1
DADGAD PHASER 09-1 RH Acid Bass 29-1 RH
Trademark Riff 09-1 OT RAINSTORM 29-1 OT
Pdl Bend Guitar 09-2 Ordan,Pf & OD Gt 29-2
Asian DADGAD 09-2 RH Acoustic Bass 29-2 RH
Touchy 5th 09-2 OT Scary Scream 29-2 OT
POLY DISTOTION 09-3 Shamisen 29-3
TL+StFlanger Pad 09-3 RH Heavy P-Funk BS 29-3 RH
Scuba-Diving 09-3 OT COMEDIAN 29-3 OT
NaturalResoLead 10-1 for Normal PU L1 30-1
Heavy Gt W/Sweer 10-1 RH for Normal PU R1 30-1 RH
Big Syn Drum 10-1 OT for Normal PU 01 30-1 OT
Organ Syn Lead 10-2 for' Normal PU L2 30-2
Fat Drive Mix 10-2 RH for Normal PU R2 30-2 RH
Sequence Clean 10-2 OT for Normal PU 02 30-2 OT
Crims-O-Tron 10-3 for Normal PU L3 30-3
Bright Gtr + Pad 10-3 RH for Normal PU R3 30-3 RH
Acoustic Heaven 10-3 OT for Normal PU 03 30-3 OT
Dist Sync Lead 11-1 Heavy PdlBend 31-1
Electric 12str 11-1 RH DreaminResonato 31-1 RH
SparkleBelIGTR 11-1 OT Fantasy E.Guitar 31-1 OT
5th Layer 11-2 Hard St/Syn FX 31-2
AC->12stAC(CTL) 11-2 RH NashvilleRoads 31-2 RH
Metal Timpani 11-2 OT Space Altar 31-2 OT
Screamin Lead 11-3 StackOfSoloSynth 31-3
Nylon String Gtr 11-3 RH MoodyBaritoneG- 31-3 RH
Cheezy Movie 11-3 OT ElectroG&Passing 31-3 OT
Portamento Lead 12-1 Captain Nylon 32-1
Pedal Wah 12-1 RH Rotary Poly Key 32-1 RH
Stalker Violin 12-1 OT Sweep & Mod 32-1 OT
Dist Sine Solo 12-2 HarpNylon&String 32-2
Stolling Rones 12-2 RH Syn Brs&Ana Bell 32-2 RH
OverblownClnGTR 12-2 OT Tremolo Morphin 32-2 OT
Dist Square Lead 12-3 Sync Key Vox Gt 32-3
Flat Tuned Drive 12-3 RH CInCho EXP>Bell 32-3 RH
Motion Builder 12-3 OT Fairy Jazz GT 32-3 OT
Buzz Lead 13-1 Liquid Baritone 33-1
BlueGrass 12-St 13-1 RH OpenE Repeater 33-1 RH
Pulsing Bell+EG 13-1 OT Fine Wine(DropD) 33-1 OT
METAL SAW LEAD 13-2 String Quartet 33-2
Bell Clean 13-2 RH ES335 BRIGHT 33-2 RH
Flying Tremolo 13-2 OT DeepWater(OpenE) 33-2 OT
BrassyLead 13-3 SgX over Organ 33-3
AG & Epf 13-3 RH Dynamic TL! 33-3 RH
Trance Organ 13-3 OT Bubble in Heaven 33-3 OT
LONG ECHO LEAD 14-1 FullBeardBoogie 34-1
HnkyTonk Piano 14-1 RH Reggae Ricky 34-1 RH
Sequence Trio 14-1 OT Lo B Rush Hour 34-1 OT
RockyOrgan 14-2 MahoganyTones 34-2
Phaser E.Pf 14-2 RH Heavy EXPsw Up 34-2 RH
Extreme FX 14-2 OT Trance Mission 34 2 OT
MILD SAW LEAD 14-3 EuropeanFeedbacl< 34-3
Piano Anlg Pad 14-3 RH TIGHT TELE STACK 34-3 RH
Rhythmic Pulse 14-3 OT Ultraslow Groove 34-3 OT
Simple Square 15-1 Funkenstein Bass 35-1
Dyno Epf w/Pad 15-1 RH TeleTastic 35-1 RH
Scared Score 15-1 OT 80's Kraftgroove 35-1 OT
+1oct Mild Lead 15-2 Fuzz Bass&Syn Bs 35-2
ST+FM Epf+Voice 15-2 RH BRIGHT ST ft-EC 35-2 RH
EasternFluteGT 15-2 OT Trancy CTL=BPM 35-2 OT
Unison Lead 15-3 Weather Forecast 35-3
Drive Wurly 15-3 RH POWER Ac.GUITAR35-3 RH
Odd Guitar 15-3 OT Trancy Riff BPM 35-3 OT
Lead Beast 16-1 FlyingJuno Brass 36-1
80s Piano 16-1 RH MILD NYLON Gt 36-1 RH
DissonantBeauty 16-1 OT Slicer Change 36-1 OT
Dream Bell 16-2 Drop D Trance 36-2
Analog Clay S&H 16-2 RH SITAR 36-2 RH
PluckdBaritoned 16-2 OT Drop-D Slices 36-2 OT
Female Chorus 16-3 Soft Syn Lead 36-3
E.PIANO/AcPIANO 16-3 RH Mandlin&AG+Acord 36-3 RH
GroovePusher 16-3 OT Bell&SynBrass Gt 36-3 OT
70s Unison 17-1 Scift Res Lead 37-1
Pipe Organ 17-1 RH Kalimba Pad 37-1 RH
JazzEP/BassSplit 17-1 OT GR-Wonderland 37-1 OT
Comfortable Solo 17-2 Octa Sync Mix 37-2
Cheap Organ 17-2 RH AsianOpenG-Slide37-2 RH
Metal Scat 17-2 OT FallDown(ExpPdl) 37-2 OT
Wah Feedback 17-3 Filtered PolySyn 37-3
3xOrganPower 17-3 RH HarpsiOrch+12st 37-3 RH
Quantum Physics 17-3 OT GtrBell (+ExpSw) 37-3 OT
Gtr+Organ Unison 18-1 Fat Power Note 38-1
Simple Clavi 18-1 RH Open G Dulcimers38-1 RH
Enigmatic Rick 18-1 OT ReverseGt+St Pad 38-1 OT
Vibraphone 18-2 Anthem Approved 38-2
R12st+Clavi+Xylo 18-2 RH Rotary Wurly Pls 38-2 RH
Euro Beat Slicer 18-2 OT SingleNoteOrch. 38-2 OT
Dark Trumpet 18-3 MILD CLEAN 38-3
Harpsichord CTL 18-3 RH 80s Analog Mix 38-3 RH
Fuzz Heaven 18-3 OT Shadow Crunch Gt 38-3 OT
High Note Tp 19-1 MILD OCTAVE 39-1
Celesta 19-1 RH Crunch LP&St Pad 39-1 RH
Arabian Nights 19-1 OT Dbl Crystal Bell 39-1 OT
Fat Brass Sec 19-2 BRIGHT +1 OCTAVE 39-2
Accordion 19-2 RH DADGAD Crunch 39-2 RH
Morpheus 19-2 OT Analog Seq & Dly 39-2 OT
Solo Fr.Horn 19-3 +1 OctModulation 39-3
Bell&Mallet+(Bs) 19-3 RH Gt->ROCK BASS 39-3 RH
Unison+SthPower 19-3 OT Hold Bass>Wah LD 39-3 OT
SGT Fr Horn 20-1 LIPSTACK DLY 40-1
TE+FM Bell Pad 20-1 RH Asian Edge 40-1 RH
Bass FluteSaxTrio 20-1 OT Tap Dance Guitar 40-1 OT
Solo Trombone 20-2 Heavy Gt 40-2
Marimba 20-2 RH MostBeautifulGTR 40-2 RH
Exorbitanz 20-2 OT CompuRhythm 40-2 OT
Super Low Brass 20-3 Saturated Dreams 40-3
SteelDrums/Ethno 20-3 RH Stack Of Blues 40-3 RH
Armageddon 20-3 OT BritishRaceTrack 40-3 OT

Sort By Alphabet

5th Layer 11-2 Dark Side OTheSun 02-2 OT Funkenstein Bass 35-1 Moody BaritoneG- 31-3 RH Sax over Organ 33-3
-2 Tubular & LP 28-1 RH Dbl Crystal Bell 39-1 OT Funky Syn Lead 06-2 More Blacklord 09-1 Shadow Crunch Gt 38-3 OT
+1 Oct Modulation 39-3 Deep Water(OpenE) 33-2 OT Fuzz Bass&Syn Bs 35-2 Morpheus 19-2 OT Shamisen 29-3
+1Oct Mild Lead 15-2 Deja Vu Bass 22-3 OT Fuzz Heaven 18-3 OT Most Beautiful GTR 40-2 RH Shanai+Rhythm 27-2 OT
12st AG & Ch Org 01-1 RH Dissonant Beauty 16-1 OT GHOSTLY 25-1 OT Motion Builder 12-3 OT Simple Clavi 18-1 RH
30 String Guitar 05-1 RH Dist Sine Solo 12-2 GK Paradise 23-1 OT Mute Trumpet/EXP 07-2 Simple Square 15-1
3x OrganPower 17-3 RH Dist Square Lead 12-3 Gladiator 23-3 OT NashvilleRoads 31-2 RH Sine Air Bend 03-3 OT
70s Unison 17-1 Dist Sync Lead 11-1 GLASS CELLO 28-1 NaturalResoLead 10-1 Single Note Orch. 38-2 OT
80s Analog Mix 38-3 RH Dist Violin 27-1 GR Brass+Strings 08-2 RH NEW WAVES 07-2 OT Sitar 36-2 RH
80s Kraftgroove 35-1 OT Double Cello 27-3 GR-300 Ctl:+10ct 01-3 Nice Tenor 02-1 Sitar Fantasy 05-1 OT
80s Piano 16-1 RH Double Low Piano 04-1 RH GR-300 Triplet 05-2 OT Noize Mix Drive 05-3 OT Slicer Change 36-1 OT
80s Stack Piano 23-1 RH Double Flat Heavy 01-2 RH GR-Wonderland 37-1 OT NYLON Gt+STRINGS 07-3 RH Slow Attack Solo 03-2
AC->12stAC(CTL) 11-2 RH Dream Bell 16-2 Grinder 21-1 OT Nylon String Gtr 11-3 RH Slow Gear Synth 24-1 OT
Accordion 19-2 RH Dreamin Resonatr 31-1 RH GroovePusher 16-3 OT Oboe 21-2 SMOOTH LEAD+VLN 28-3
Ac Guitar l2st+Str 06-1 RH Drive Blues Harp 04-1 Gt &Vo Unison 22-1 RH Octa Sync Mix 37-2 SNEAKING UP 25-2 OT
Acid Bass 29-1 RH Drive Wurly 15-3 RH Gt + HARMONICA 26-1 Odd Guitar 15-3 OT Soft Syn Lead 36-3
Acoustic Bass 29-2 RH Drive+Violn+Cello 27-2 Gt + ROCK BASS 39-3 RH Open E Repeater 33-1 RH Soft Bright Pad+L4 01-3 RH
Acoustic Heaven 10-3 OT Drop D Trance 36-2 Gtr + Organ Unison 18-1 Open G Dulcimers 38-1 RH Solo Fr.Horn 19-3
AG & Epf 13-3 RH Drop D Slices 36-2 OT Gtr Bell (+ExpSw) 37-3 OT ORCHESTRA 25-1 RH Solo Trombone 20-2
AG+Bell Pad 03-3 RH Dual Sync Lead 06-1 Guitar+SaxUnison 22-3 Organ,Pf & OD Gt 29-2 Soprano Sax 21-3
AG+Voice 21-2 RH Dynamic TL! 33-3 RH Hard St/Syn FX 31-2 Organ Syn Lead 10-2 Space Altar 31-2 OT
AggroClav 26-1 OT Dyno Epf w/Pad 15-1 RH Harp Nylon &String 32-2 OverblownClnGTR 12-2 OT Sparkle BelI GTR 11-1 OT
Alto Sax 22-1 E.Sitar& Dly Toy 08-1 OT Harpsichord CTL 18-3 RH OVERDRIVE+CELLO 28-2 Sqr Pipe For You 06-3
Analog Clay S&H 16-2 RH E.Piano 04-2 RH HarpsiOrch+12st 37-3 RH Oxygen Lead 24-2 OT ST + TWEED 05-2 RH
Analog Seq & Dly 39-2 OT E.Piano/AcPiano 16-3 RH Heaven Ocarina 24-2 P90 & Organ Bell 08-1 ST+FM Epf+Voice 15-2 RH
Analog Voice Pad 27-3 RH Eastern FluteGT 15-2 OT Heavens Bells 03-2 OT Pan Flute 23-2 Stack Of Blues 40-3 RH
Anthem Approved 38-2 Edge Brass 24-3 RH Heavy EXPsw Up 34-2 RH PARADISE LOST 08-3 OT Stack Of Solo Synth 31-3
Arabian Nights 19-1 OT Electric 12str 11-1 RH Heavy Gt 40-2 Pdl Bend Guitar 09-2 Stalker Violin 12-1 OT
Armageddon 20-3 OT ElectroG&Passes 31-3 OT Heavy Gt W/Sweer 10-1 RH Pedal Wah 12-1 RH Steel Drums/Ethno 20-3 RH
Asian DADGAD 09-2 RH EmoCarillion 21-2 OT Heavy Harmonica 26-2 PHASE STRINGS 26-1 RH Steel Pan + Agogo 24-3 OT
Asian Edge 40-1 RH Emotional Lead 05-2 Heavy Hit & Groove 01-2 OT Phaser E.Pf 14-2 RH Stolling Rones 12-2 RH
AsianOpenG-Slide37-2 RH Emotional Ballad 27-2 RH Heavy P-Funk BS 29-3 RH Piano Anlg Pad 14-3 RH Strange Whistle 05-1
Back To Da Crib 27-3 OT Enigmatic Rick 18-1 OT Heavy Pdl Bend 31-1 Piccolo 23-3 Strictly E 26-3 OT
Ballade Wurly 07-1 RH Epf + 335 Unison 07-3 Heavy Pulse 07-1 OT Pipe Organ 17-1 RH String Quartet 33-2
Bass Flute Sax Trio 20-1 OT ES335 Bright 33-2 RH Heavy Brass Rock 02-3 RH PIZZICATO Gt 25-2 RH Super Low Brass 20-3
Beat Provider 27-1 OT Esoteric Vibe 22-2 OT High Note Tp 19-1 PluckdBaritoned 16-2 OT Sweep & Mod 32-1 OT
Bell Clean 13-2 RH Euro Beat Slicer 18-2 OT Highlander GTR 04-3 OT POLY DISTOTION 09-3 Symphonic Rock! 08-1 RH
Bell & Mallet+(Bs) 19-3 RH European Feedbacl< 34-3 HnkyTonk Piano 14-1 RH POLY SITAR 02-2 RH Syn Brs&Ana Bell 32-2 RH
Bell & SynBrass Gt 36-3 OT Exorbitanz 20-2 OT Hold Bass>Wah LD 39-3 OT Portamento Lead 12-1 Syn Str.Pd1 Reso 03-1 RH
Big Ben 25-3 OT Extreme FX 14-2 OT HOUSE FIRE 28-2 OT POWER Ac.GUITAR35-3 RH Sync Key Vox Gt 32-3
Big Syn Drum 10-1 OT FAB 4 Together 22-1 OT Hyper TE Beat 28-1 OT Pulsing Bell+EG 13-1 OT Synth Brass Lead 03-3
BLADE RUNNING 26-3 RH Faded Cherry 28-3 RH Is Dis Fat? 23-2 OT Quantum Physics 17-3 OT SynthBrass 26-2 RH
Blue Grass 12-St 13-1 RH Fairy Jazz GT 32-3 OT Jazz Guitar 06-2 RH Question+Answer 04-1 OT Tap Dance Guitar 40-1 OT
Brass + Drive 29-1 Fall Down(ExpPdl) 37-2 OT Jazz Guitar Vibe 02-3 R12st+Clavi+Xylo 18-2 RH TB-303 Bass 03-2 RH
Brassy Lead 13-3 Fantasy E.Guitar 31-1 OT Jazz Trio 01-3 OT RAINSTORM 29-1 OT TE+FM Bell Pad 20-1 RH
Bridge of Sy's 28-2 RH Fat Brass Sec 19-2 JazzEP/BassSplit 17-1 OT Real & Syn Brass 24-2 RH TeleTastic 35-1 RH
BRIGHT +1 OCTAVE 39-2 Fat Drive Mix 10-2 RH Kalimba Pad 37-1 RH Recorder 25-1 TIGHT TELE STACK 34-3 RH
Bright Gtr + Pad 10-3 RH Fat Power Note 38-1 KOTO DREAMS 02-3 OT Reed Organ(+LP) 23-3 RH TL&Rotary Organ 06-3 RH
BRIGHT ST ft-EC 35-2 RH Feedback Guitar 08-2 Lead Beast 16-1 Reggae Ricky 34-1 RH TL+St Flanger Pad 09-3 RH
British RaceTrack 40-3 OT Female Chorus 16-3 LEAD VIOLIN 26-3 Reverse Gt+St Pad 38-1 OT Touchy 5th 09-2 OT
Bubble in Heaven 33-3 OT Filter Harp 25-3 Legato Solo 03-1 Rhythmic Pulse 14-3 OT Tp Section 04-2
Buzz Lead 13-1 Filtered PolySyn 37-3 Like 60s 23-2 RH RICH STRINGS 02-1 RH Trademark Riff 09-1 OT
Captain Nylon 32-1 Fine Wine(DropD) 33-1 OT LIPSTACK DLY 40-1 RnB Section 07-2 RH Trance Groove 28-3 OT
Celesta 19-1 RH Flange Strings 25-3 RH Liquid Baritone 33-1 Rock Lead Organ 01-2 Trance Mission 34 2 OT
Cheap Organ 17-2 RH Flat Tuned Drive 12-3 RH Lo B Rush Hour 34-1 OT RockIn Cathedral 08-3 RH Trance Organ 13-3 OT
Cheezy Movie 11-3 OT Flute Solo 02-2 Lofi Flute&Glockn 24-3 Rocky Organ 14-2 Trancy CTL=BPM 35-2 OT
Chromatic Harmo 25-2 Flute+Gtr Unison 23-1 LONG ECHO LEAD 14-1 Rotary G & Pad 21-3 RH Trancy Riff BPM 35-3 OT
CInCho EXP>Bell 32-3 RH Flutey GT 24-1 LP + STACK 05-3 RH Rotary Poly Key 32-1 RH Tremolo Morphin 32-2 OT
Cinematic Art 26-2 OT Flying Tremolo 13-2 OT MahoganyTones 34-2 Rotary Wurly Pls 38-2 RH Trio Concerto 08-2 OT
Clarinet>EXP Vib 21-1 FlyingJuno Brass 36-1 Mandlin&AG+Acord 36-3 RH Saturated Dreams 40-3 Ultimate Pulse 01-1 OT
COMEDIAN 29-3 OT for Normal PU 01 30-1 OT Marimba 20-2 RH Scared Score 15-1 OT Ultra slow Groove 34-3 OT
Comfortable Solo 17-2 for Normal PU 02 30-2 OT MELLOW CELLO 04-3 Scary Scream 29-2 OT Unbelievable 21-3 OT
Compu Rhythm 40-2 OT for Normal PU 03 30-3 OT METAL SAW LEAD 13-2 Scat & Guitar 06-1 OT Unison Lead 15-3
Concert Grand 07-1 for Normal PU L1 30-1 Metal Scat 17-2 OT Scift Res Lead 37-1 Unison+SthPower 19-3 OT
Crims-O-Tron 10-3 for Normal PU L3 30-3 Metal Synth Lead 01-1 Screamin Lead 11-3 Vibraphone 18-2
Crunch &Voice 22-3 RH for Normal PU R1 30-1 RH Metal Timpani 11-2 OT Scuba-Diving 09-3 OT Voice Hit 03-1 OT
Crunch LP&St Pad 39-1 RH for Normal PU R2 30-2 RH Metamorphosis 04-2 OT SE Pad & LP+MS 06-2 OT Voice Pad SL 21-1 RH
CTL=DLY/EXP=WAI- 08-3 for Normal PU R3 30-3 RH MILD CLEAN 38-3 Seq'Tempo Dly+EG 02-1 OT Vox+Pf+Crystal 22-2 RH
DADGAD Crunch 39-2 RH for' Normal PU L2 30-2 MILD NYLON Gt 36-1 RH Sequence Clean 10-2 OT Wah Feedback 17-3
DADGAD Phaser 09-1 RH Fourth Of Fifth 07-3 OT MILD OCTAVE 39-1 Sequence Trio 14-1 OT Wave Synth SOLO 05-3
Dancing Acoustic 06-3 OT Full Section 24-1 RH MILD SAW LEAD 14-3 Seychelles Tour 27-1 RH Weather Forecast 35-3
Dark Trumpet 18-3 Full Beard Boogie 34-1 Moody Sax 22-2 SGT Fr Horn 20-1 Xylophone Plus 04-3 RH