Navigate to Subject:
• Basic Web Pages
• Complex Web Pages
• Rollover Image Navigation
• Web Hosting & Acquiring a URL & Maintenance
• Processing and Upgrading Photos (from your camera)
• Our Photographic Services
• "Bottom Line"
• Some Links to Website Templates

• More Complex Web Pages:
More complex pages would be in the $75 to $175 or more for each page .
~~They would include:
Text Navigation links on all pages linking to all pages
Logo / Banner
Choice of font colors & background image colors and textures
• Custom graphic designs for banner & interface
• E-mail link & other links as needed.
• Headlines
• Already written text and info and links anywhere in the text to other sites.
If the text needs writing and editing, this is, of course, a separate and time-consuming process.
• To help marketing, some key words and "meta-tags" need to be put in to help search engines find the artists.
• Registration of your site with search engines is a separate action and can cost hundreds per search engine.
Thumbnail pictures that link to larger optimized photos on this or separate pages, (but still with navigation).
• PayPal links can be extra depending on the time they take. (if the "Code" is not all ready to insert)
• 5 or more photos [300-700 pixels] would be cropped and adjusted for easy display and optimal size, exposure and composition and displayed in various ways on the page.
• MP3 media: converting a song from .wav to .mp3 and uploading it to a link on the page would be extra.
• Thumbnails can be placed at the top to facilitate navigation to the pictures when there are more than just a few.
• Flash content and video content can be added to the banner for special interest, this would be an extra expense.
• e-Commerce sites (Classic Shopping Cart & Check-Out systems) are now part of my services. Prices will be negotiated on an individual basis.
» Here's an example of a photo page template for 18 photos.
» Here's an example of a Group webpage that links to several individual pages
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• Rollover Image Navigation:
Text Navigation allows the user to see what other pages are available in a dynamic way, usually by changing color or underlining, example:
Rollover Image navigation can add background style, motion, even 3-D style.
And being an image (and not text) you areno longer limited to web fonts.
Now you can have any graphic style imaginable, example:
(The graphic above this section's title is another example)
For a unified look, all the pages in a website should have a consistent navigation layout
so the user can get from all pages to all other pages, in one click.
"Rollover Image" navigation would be an extra cost ($45 to $75).
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• Web Hosting, Registering an Address (URL), E-mail & Maintenance:
• Website spaces are actually rented on giant "Servers" from a corporation somewhere, preferably a reliable company in the U.S. with a good record of little "down time". Since we're already renting a large space from an excellent firm (Dreamhost), we can sublet or "host" individuals or groups competitively. This can be done for as little as $7/mo. (on a $84/yearly-in-advance basis).
URL's "Universal Resource Listings" (www.yourname.com) can be acquired for $15 per year each, including free E-Mail accounts. These hosting and URL annual fees come to $99.
This saves you from having to learn all the ropes of hosting and activating your own website & establishing an E-Mail account, which can be time consuming and confusing, and will cost essentially the same. The URL providers set up an on-line translation from a large set of numbers, a couple dozen, which is, in reality, the web address, to the name you have chosen.
• There are always things like: adding a couple new event listings, a few new photos, fixing a typo. We will include the service of minor maintenance or updating for free, if this takes less than 15 min per month. (not cumulative for unused months)
Otherwise we will charge $25/hour. (Most other web designers/hosts don't have free services.)
• We will notify within 30 days of expiration, however should a URL's annual registration lapse, then a situation where an extra "Rescue" fee of $100 will be required to attempt to retrieve the URL, and it actually could be non-retrieveable depending on the actions of other individuals.
• We reserve the right to cancel hosting or other agreements written or otherwise if payments are more than 60 days overdue, unless there are mutually agreeable conditions. Reinstatement terms are comprable with my hosting company's reinstatement, or "Rescue" fees.
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• Processing and Upgrading Photos (from your camera):
Your existing photos can be made e-mail "friendly" and sent to us if they're sized down to 300k -1M each in a photo editing program.
(Depending on your camera's # of megapixels, originals can be as large as 4 MB or more.)
Raw pictures from digital cameras can be as large as 3000 to 10000 pixels across and need to be in the range of 300-600 pixels for web purposes. For example, on the internet (at 72 pixels/inch), a 3 inch picture = 216 pixels, 4 inch = 288, 5 inch = 360, 6 inch = 432, etc.
We can easily do this kind of editing, along with touch up, exposure, color balance, sharpening and cropping, all included in the web page prices mentioned above.
For those who don't know how to resize their pictures, a CD can be made (on your computer, or at drug stores) and mailed to us. Contact us for my mail address.
» This page has an example of photo editing with Photoshop® Filters and Image Adjustments.
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• Photographic Services:
Chaz is available as a photographer . . . Services would include:
Creating a CD of the full size "raw" photos taken.
Raw photos from an 8 Megapixel digital camera are very large, up to 4,000 pixels across. These need to be in the range of 200-900 pixels for web purposes. I will resize them for you based on your website's image size requirements. For example, on the internet (at 72 pixels/inch), a 3 inch wide picture = 216 pixels... 5 inch = 360... 10inch = 720, etc.
If you have specific criteria for photo sizes to submit to juries, brochures, catalogues, or customers, etc., let me know these specifications, and I can size a set of pictures accordingly and send them to you on a CD. For printing purposes, at a resolution of 300 dpi a 6 X 8 inch picture should be 2400 pixels across.
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• "Bottom Line":
In Summary from detailed sections above:
Basic Websites cost $98 per year to be registered and hosted.
Basic Web pages cost $25 to $125 or more (one-time fee) to be designed and uploaded.
The lowest cost total then for a Basic Page + Hosting + Registration would be: $123, double page: $190
The cost for a complex page (with 8 or more pictures and text ) + hosting + registration would be: $200 - $225 or more.
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• Basic Web Pages:
The Basic Page costs between $25-$100+ per page depending on the quantity of content.
~~It would include:
• 1 - 8 optimized pictures
• Simple text-style navigation
Your choice of font colors & background image colors and textures
• Your E-mail link & other links as needed.
• Headlines
• Name Banner
Your already composed and edited text with your mission info, pertinent biographical details
If the text needs any significant re-writing and/or editing, this is, of course, a separate and time-consuming process.
• To help marketing, some key words and "meta-tags" can be put in the code areas to help search engines find you and your products.
• Website marketing firms can work on your site with search engin registrations, social media marketing efforts, and other actions probably will contact you but will create significant costs and might not produce results.
• PayPal links can be included for extra depending on the time they take. (if the "Code" is not ready to insert)
• e-Commerce sites (Classic Shopping Cart & Check-Out systems on Secure Servers) are not part of my services, however there are current solutions that I can create as an extra service.
• MP3 media: converting a song from .wav to .mp3 and uploading it to a link on the page: this would also be extra.
» Here are examples of basic pages ONE or TWO column styles.
(Links are also at the bottom of those pages.) . . . . (Latin is used for temporary content.)
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• Some Links to Website Examples and Ideas:
Other Interesting Websites
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